Monday, March 10, 2025

Anti-Immigrant Bill by Florida Republican May Exempt White Europeans

A clause in the draft of an anti-immigrant bill by Republican state Rep. William Snyder in Florida essentially tells police to drop their “reasonable suspicions” of anyone they stop who is from any of the countries exempted under the bill, mostly European nations with a majority of white people. The law specifically says that a […]

Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona and Alicia Menendez “To Vote is Power”

As featured in The Hill: This year, Latino voters like many voters, are angry and anxious.  But they aren’t stupid.  As has been reported widely, a conservative third-party group called “Latinos for Reform,” recently released an ad in which the narrator says: “Don’t vote this November. This is the only way to send [Democrats] a […]

Children of Undocumented Immigrants Target of Collaboration between State Legislators

A group of lawmakers from 14 states is coming to together to work on legislation that would deny the children of undocumented immigrants U.S. citizenship. The sponsor of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, Republican State Sen. Russell Pearce, is part of the group and says a formal announcement of the effort will be made Tuesday. “We’re taking […]

Educators in Arizona Sue State Board of Education over Ban on Mexican-American Studies

Eleven Tucson area educators have filed a lawsuit against the state board of education and superintendent this week arguing that a state ban against Mexican-American studies, set to take effect at the end of this year, is “anti-Hispanic.” The teachers are asking a federal judge for a stay on the new law because, they argue, […]

Univision Says It Will Not Run Ads Telling Latinos to Not Vote

Earlier today, La Plaza ran a story about a Spanish-language TV spot sponsored by a conservative group that was encouraging Latinos to not vote this year. Univision network just issued a statement that they will not be running these ads and clarifying that Robert De Posada, president of Latinos for Reform, is not affiliated with […]

Conservative Latino Group Tells Latino Voters to Stay Home on Election Day

A new conservative Latino group is trying to silence voters in the upcoming mid-term elections by telling Latinos not to vote. The Virginia-based organization, Latinos for Reform, is responsible for a Spanish –language ad currently running in Nevada whose message is, “Don’t vote.  Yes, you heard right, don’t vote.” Attacking President Obama and Democrats over […]

Senate Hopeful Defends Ad and Confuses Latinos and Asians

Republican Senatorial candidate Sharron Angle, in addressing a group of Latino high school students in Nevada, defended an ad aired recently by her campaign by saying she was “unsure” if the images of dark-skinned individuals sneaking through a chain link fence actually depicted Hispanics. The TV spot, which is no longer available on You Tube, […]

Kris Kobach Says he Will Continue Anti-immigration Legal Work

The author of Arizona’s anti-immigration law, which has been copied by numerous states across the country, says he will continue to push his anti-immigrant agenda, as he accused immigrants in Kansas of voter fraud. As previously reported by La Plaza, Kobach, a Republican candidate for secretary of state in Kansas, is a constitutional law professor […]

Guilty Verdict for Two Men Charged in Fatal Hate-fueled Beating of Mexican Immigrant

A federal court in Pennsylvania found two men guilty yesterday in the beating death of Luis Ramirez, an immigrant from Mexico, who police say was targeted because of his race and nationality. “Four people attacked one person because of his race and because they didn’t want people like him living in their town,” prosecutor Myesha […]

State Board of Regents in Georgia says Undocumented Students Can’t Enroll in Universities

Yesterday, the state board of regents in Georgia ruled that students who can’t prove they are in the country legally won’t be allowed to enroll at the University of Georgia and four other state colleges. The new policies were decried by immigration rights activists and civil rights advocates. “Clearly, we are very disappointed that the […]