Sunday, February 23, 2025

Report Details New Estimates for Undocumented Populations Suggesting Decline

On Tuesday, the Pew Hispanic Center released new findings detailing the population size of undocumented immigrants nationally and by state that shows a downward trend. The report includes updated estimates for the undocumented immigrant work force, including their countries of origin.  The estimates produced in this report are based on data collected from the U.S. […]

Protesters in Neighboring California Stand with Arizona

As the Arizona state legislature pushed a measure to deny the children of undocumented immigrants automatic citizenship guaranteed to them under the 14th Amendment, activists in neighboring California took to the streets in a show of solidarity. The protest took place over the weekend in the predominantly Latino suburb of Pacoima, with more than 1,500 […]

Republicans Introduce Measures to Deny Citizenship under 14th Amendment

Republican Senators David Vitter of Louisiana and Rand Paul of Kentucky, have introduced a measure to change the 14th Amendment of the constitution calling for an to end automatic citizenship to children born to undocumented immigrants, unless one parent is a US citizen, a legal immigrant, an active member of the armed forces or a […]

States and Cities Should Reconsider Expensive Court Battles

As state legislators across the country continue to push for various anti-immigration bills, two new reports by the Center for American Progress and the Southern Poverty Law Center have exposed the high price tag associated with these growing legal battles. These reports cite the financial, social and economic costs that such immigration bills have already […]

Obama says Immigration Reform Difficult in State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama called on lawmakers to work together to pass comprehensive immigration reform in Tuesday’s State of the Union address, but acknowledged it would be a tough battle. “I know that debate will be difficult and take time, but tonight, let’s agree to make that effort,” Obama told the joint session of Congress last […]

Immigrants find Work even while Unemployment Remains High among Native Born

In the last two years, over a million immigrants that arrived in the US found jobs while native born workers saw unemployment rates soar, particularly those in the low-wage sector  saw increases  in the double digits, over the same period of time. The findings were released by researchers at the Center for Labor Market Studies […]

Colorado Introduces Arizona-Style Immigration Bill with Notable Differences

Colorado has become the latest state to take on the issue of immigration into its own hands. This week, Republican lawmakers in the state introduced an immigration enforcement measure mimicking the controversial SB 1070 in Arizona.  As previously reported in La Plaza, Colorado has recently stepped up its crackdown on illegal immigration by participating in […]

Announcement of New ICE Audit Center Expected Later Today from Obama Administration

On Thursday, the Obama administration is set to announce the formation of the Employment Compliance Inspection Center, an audit office designed to supervise I-9 employee files and ensure workers are in the country legally. In an interview conducted by the Wall Street Journal, John Morton, chief of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), […]

Mississippi State Senate passes Arizona-style Immigration Law

On Tuesday, Mississippi followed in the steps of Arizona when the state Senate passed a measure that would allow law enforcement officers to check a person’s immigration status while enforcing other laws if there is reason to suspect that they are in the country illegally. As previously reported in La Plaza, Bill Chandler, the director […]

Florida’s Anti-Immigration Law Receives Cold Response

The wave to replicate Arizona’s controversial anti-immigrant bills that helped shape the political victories of several Republican candidates including Florida’s Governor Rick Scott, is biting into a sharp dose of reality in his home state.            Writing in the Sun Sentinel last week, columnist Aaron Deslatte recalls one of Scott’s tough-on-immigration campaign ads: “Rick Scott backs […]