Saturday, February 22, 2025

Immigration Reform Is Most Important Issue Facing Latino Community

A new poll released today suggests that 53% of Latino voters feel that immigration reform is the most important issue facing the Latino community and that Congress and President Obama should address it. The poll, sponsored by America’s Voice and implemented by Latino Decisions, wanted to survey the response from Latino voters and see how […]

Comentarios from Maria: “STEM Fund Key To U.S. Global Competitiveness”

Co-Written with John E. Sununu Although the work is not yet complete, advocates for a national fund for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) and computer science education have reason to be optimistic. Washington is well into its much-anticipated discussion on immigration reform, with a proposal for a broad bill under consideration in the Senate and […]

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “Business Leaders, Law Enforcement Officers, Elected Officials and Others Agree: We Need Comprehensive Immigration Reform”

As President Obama made clear earlier today the bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill being considered by the Senate this week is the best chance we’ve had in years to fix our broken immigration system – in large part because of the diverse and unusual coalition of stakeholders that have come together to support it. That coalition has […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “The Administration’s Border Strategy Is Working”

As immigration reform moves to the Senate floor, Senator Marco Rubio has raised new questions about whether the border security strategy in the current Senate bill can be effectively executed by the Obama and future administrations. The experience of the past several years indicates that DHS can, in fact, despite rancorous politics, manage the complex border […]

Lack of Knowledge on New Health Care Law Promotes Latino Outreach

A recent poll of Latinos in Colorado revealed that over half of Latinos —54 percent—don’t know the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act, encouraging initiatives to educate Latinos of the new law. “At this point, information is relatively low but the desire to be engaged in the process is very high,” said Dr. Gabriel […]

May Day Protesters Marched In Support of Immigration Reform

Thousands of the people gathered across the country on Wednesday urging Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform during a rally celebrating International Workers Day. “We’re here to demand political change and fair immigration reform,” said Gabriel Zamora, a janitor and undocumented immigrant who crossed the border from Tijuana eight years ago. Protestors gathered in major […]

Rate of Latino Entrepreneurs Doubled Since 1996

A new report from the Kauffman Foundation states that nearly 20% of the people who opened new businesses in 2012 were Latinos. The new study says that even though entrepreneurship has declined in numbers nationally, the amount of Latino entrepreneurs has doubled since 1996. “The Latino rate is higher than the rate for African-Americans, Asians, […]

Guest Blogger: Professor Ediberto Román and Bobby Joe Bracy “Words Do Matter in the Immigration Debate”

After decades of inaction, this week’s unveiling of the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration proposal suggests that Congress may finally be prepared to reform our immigration system. It is of no surprise that this renewed vigor comes on the heels of a presidential election where an overwhelming majority of Hispanic voters rejected the Republican solution […]

“Understanding The Immigration Reform Debate” Google Hangout Today

New Latino Movement and Latino Giant have joined together to coordinate the Latino Educational Google Hangout, titled “Understanding The Immigration Reform Debate,” today Wednesday, April 17th at 8:00pm EST. The Latino Educational Google Hangout series, the next installment of the of New Latino Voices video conferences that initiated in 2012, aims to provide Latinos with a […]

87% of Undocumented Immigrants Would Pursue Citizenship Given Close Ties to American Culture

A new poll from Latino Decisions reveals that if immigration reform passes, an estimated 87% of undocumented immigrants would pursue the steps to become U.S. citizens, and suggests that undocumented immigrants are closely tied to American citizens. The poll also shows that the reason immigrants come to the United States is for work and to […]