Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Smithsonian American Latino Museum Will Debut its First Exhibit Next Month

The National Museum of the American Latino will debut its inaugural gallery in the National Museum of American History on June 18, 2022. The new American Latino Museum probably will not have its own building for at least 10 years, but the Smithsonian will display exhibits until the museum finds its permanent home. The exhibit portrays labor […]

ICE Has Been Stealing Data from Thousands of People, Reports Shows

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been using a surveillance system designed to spy on most people residing in the U.S., according to a two-year investigation by the Georgetown Law Center on Privacy and Technology. The report found that ICE had been operating the surveillance system with minimal public oversight, often violating state privacy laws. […]

Wildfire Threatens to Destroy Indo-Hispano Culture in New Mexico

In the U.S., a wildfire in New Mexico and Colorado threatens to destroy villages in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Many of these villages can be traced back to European and Mexican settlers and Native Americans. Miguel Gandert fears his family’s 19th-century log home has been destroyed by the New Mexico wildfire and will destroy […]

Decrease of Immigrant Labor in the U.S. Contributes to Inflation

After immigration to the U.S. was slowed down during the Trump Administration – and almost completely stopped for 18 months during the COVID-19 pandemic – the country is now suffering a labor shortage. It is estimated that the U.S. has 2 million fewer immigrants than it would have otherwise, which has caused a shortage of […]

Can Abortion Stir the Latinx Democratic and Republican Voters?

The latest news of the possibility to overturn Roe vs. Wade has drastically added a new dynamic to the work that Latinx political consultants and those who organize voters must do to mobilize the Latinx vote. Mayra Macias, Chief Strategy Officer of Build Back Better, formed an organization to help promote the impacts of laws […]

Latinx Community Will Be Disproportionally Affected if Roe v. Wade is Reversed

Latinos on the front lines of providing abortions under increasingly restrictive state anti-abortion laws said that the leaked opinion signals an end to abortion access and that it would disproportionally affect Latinx people and other communities of color. After Monday’s leak of a draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, the […]

Guest Blogger: “Will Democrats, Independents, and Progressives Wake Up in Arizona, Before it is Too Late?”

After 32 years as a red state, Arizona went blue in 1996. One of the main reasons was that Hispanics and Native Americans decided to participate because they were motivated by the notion that a similar bill like Prop 187 of California could be presented in Arizona by the State Legislature and signed by the […]

After Growing Up Legally in the U.S. Many Young Adults Now Face Deportation

More than 200,000 children who grew up in the U.S. legally under the protection of their parents’ temporary visas risk losing their legal status when they turn 21. Whether it is because of immigration backlogs, or because they are not eligible, they have been unable to become permanent residents and now face deportation. According to […]

Biden Discusses Immigration with Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members

This week, President Biden held a 90-minute meeting at the White House with seven leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) and his top aides to discuss immigration. During the meeting, he said the administration would ultimately end Title 42, and asked the members to help him justify his immigration policies in public and in […]

Guest Blogger: Sindy Benavides, CEO of LULAC ‘After SCOTUS Ruling, Puerto Rico Statehood Even More Imperative’

This column was first published on RealClearPolitics  The United States was founded on the premise that taxation without representation is tyranny – not democracy. This week, that basic premise was once again denied to the people of Puerto Rico when the U.S. Supreme Court opted to continue the systemic discrimination of Puerto Ricans (who are American citizens) […]