Friday, February 21, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez “Who are Republicans Listening to? Not Latinos”

As featured in the The Huffington Post: In the past two months two prominent Republican leaders hosted national conferences to address what many call the Republican’s Latino “problem.” Former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s group, The Americano, held its first Hispanic Conference in Washington DC in December and just this past week, former Governor Jeb Bush’s first […]

The New Year and New Congress Heralds New Faces of Elected Hispanics

The 112th Congress of the United States gets sworn into office today, and amongst its ranks are a number of newly elected Hispanics – all Republicans. Of the ninety new members, six are Latinos, including one each from the states of Washington and Idaho. Marco Rubio becomes only the second Latino currently serving in the […]

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Elects New Leadership

Yesterday, the members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) elected Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez (D-TX) to lead the group of Latino Democrats in the new Congress.  Rounding out the leadership board are Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX), who becomes the Caucus’ 1st Vice Chair, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) as 2nd Vice Chair, and Rep. Dennis […]