Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Immigration Activists say ICE is after them

Activists across the country say they are being targeted by federal immigration authorities for speaking out at protests and accusing the government of heavy-handed tactics. “We’re always at the marches and giving interviews, without fear of what could happen,” says Zully Palacios Rodriguez, one of the activists caught by ICE. “So to go against us is […]

ACLU sues federal government agencies over the practice of separating asylum-seeking families

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced last Friday that it has filed a national class-action lawsuit against multiple federal government agencies over the practice of separating asylum-seeking families. “Whether or not the Trump administration wants to call this a ‘policy,’ it certainly is engaged in a widespread practice of tearing children away from their […]

LA School Board Votes to Ban Immigration Officers from Campus

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles school board voted unanimously to protect families from immigration raids by prohibiting immigration officers from entering a campus without superintendent authorization. Under this protection, the superintendent will also have to consult with local lawyers before giving immigration officers clearance. “L.A. Unified is basically saying fear stops at [our] door,” said […]

Voter Suppression Likely To Affect Voters in Upcoming Election

As of 2011, 17 states have passed various forms of voter suppression measures, which are likely to affect the outcome of the 2012 Presidential election. Additionally, the 2012 Republic National Convention committee has already adopted language supporting states that have passed voter ID and proof of citizenship laws. “Voter suppression unfairly aims at a short-term […]

Alabama’s controversial immigration law has made its way to the UN

A coalition of union and civil rights groups have filed a complaint with the United Nations International Labor Organization alleging that Alabama’s harsh anti-immigrant law violates international norms. “By signing this bill into law, Brewer has just authorized violating the rights of millions of people living and working here,” said Alessandra Soler Meetze, Executive Director […]

Indiana’s Immigration Law Tests Constitution, Foreign Agreements

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels signed the Compromise Illegal Immigration Reform bill, SB 590 into law on May 10, 2011. Then, the ACLU and the National Immigration Law Center filed a lawsuit to challenge the law they believed was unconstitutional and provided a basis for discrimination. On June 24 of last year, U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans […]

Class-Action Lawsuit filed in Texas alleges Female Immigrant Detainees Sexually Assaulted

The American Civil Liberties Union announced last week that it filed a class-action lawsuit in Texas on behalf of three female immigrants who say they were sexually assaulted while in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. As many as 200 incidents of sexual abuse involving female immigrant detainees in custody may have occurred since […]

Georgia Passes Tough Anti-Immigrant Bill

Last week, the state of Georgia became the latest to follow in Arizona’s footsteps when it passed an immigration law targeting undocumented workers. House Bill 87 or the Georgia Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act, would allow police officers to question the immigration status of anyone they detain and requires employers to verify the eligibility […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jessica Arons “Hyde Amendment Detrimental to Latina Reproductive Health”

Latinovations thanks Jessica Arons for her contribution to La Plaza, which is an exclusive adaptation of an article that was originally published in Spanish on the Center for American Progress website. Abortion funding policies in this country are discriminatory and put abortion care out of reach for the women who need it the most: low-income […]

Latino to Head Civil Rights Group in Southern California

On Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California named Hector Villagra, a civil rights attorney and the group’s current legal director, its next executive director to succeed Ramona Ripston. “I know I have a tough job ahead of me, but we have a strong organization and strong support, and I fully expect that our success […]