Saturday, February 22, 2025

US Census Bureau says Hispanic Population now over 50 Million

Hispanics are now officially the largest minority group in the country numbering over 50 million, according to the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday. That number translates to 16.3% of the nation’s population and means that 1 out of every 6 Americans is a Latino. Interesting trends have also emerged; revealing the country’s low overall growth […]

Guest Blogger Series: Hector E. Sanchez “Warning: If They Take Wisconsin They Might Go After Our Weekends Too”

Workers all over the country are rising up by the thousands to defend the basic American right to collectively bargain. We can fight the anti-union ambush in the states with worker solidarity among Latinos and all workers, but first we need to understand why we are fighting and what is at stake. What is happening […]

Hispanics Identify by Race More than a Decade Ago

An analysis of 2010 Census data by USA Today revealed that Hispanics in states with some of the largest Hispanic populations categorized themselves by race more often than in the last Census and many more also chose “white” under the race category. Census data on 27 states has been released so far by the Census […]

Hispanic Home Ownership Down

The number of Hispanics who own their own home fell below 50 percent since 2007, according to In 2007, 50.1 percent of Hispanics owned their own home but in 2009 that percentage was down to 46.8, the site reported.  The numbers were taken from the Census Bureau, which showed that overall the percentage of […]