Barack Obama decided to extend an executive order which imposed sanctions on top Venezuelan officials and named the nation a national security threat. The following day, Venezuela’s president, Nicolas Maduro, said he was removing his main diplomat from the U.S. A national address stated that charge d’affaires Maximilien Arvelaiz would be heading back to his […]
Obama Extends Sanctions on Venezuela
New York Times Asks for Repeal of Law Making Immigration Easier for Cubans

The New York Times Editorial page has called on the U.S. government to end its preferential treatment of Cuban immigrants under the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 which allows for an expedited process for accepting Cuban nationals that dates back to the height of the Cold War when undermining Cuban and Soviet governments was a […]
GOP Congress Eyes Restrictions Of Cuban Refugee Benefits As Opposition To Increased Ties Fades

U.S. Rep Carlos Curbelo (R-FL), a Cuban-American and native of south Florida, has introduced a bill aimed at implementing stricter controls over the Refugee Education Assistance Act that provides government assistance to Cuban-Americans and would require recipients to prove they are in fact political refugees living in the United States and escaping political prosecution. This […]
New Study Casts Doubts On Future Latino Support For The Democratic Party

With the Latino vote crucial to the electoral success for either party in the 2016 election a new study is calling into question Latinos’ support for the Democratic Party and whether or not that support will hold in future elections. Democrats have traditionally been able to rely on the same voting blocs for their base […]
Comentarios from Maria: Executive Actions-An Important Victory

We know that members of the Republican Party have made every effort to block any action to relieve the situation of the undocumented community in this country. We must not forget that the people that Republicans want to continue to suffer under the current immigration laws are the same people who came to this country […]
Contreras Enters MO Treasurer Race, Would Be First Elected Latino State-Wide

Former State Department diplomat Pat Contreras is seeking to make history in Missouri as the only state-wide elected Latino in that state’s history in his campaign for Missouri State Treasurer in 2016. Contreras, who prior to his career in the State Department under but the Obama and George W. Bush Administrations, worked as an economist […]
No Date Set For Decision On President’s Immigration Actions

The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on Friday heard arguments on whether or not to lift a temporary injunction placed by Texas-based US District Court Judge Andrew Hanen on President Barack Obama’s executive orders regarding the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action For […]
Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuño “Semana decisiva para la reforma migratoria de Obama”

Con el regreso del Presidente Obama de su viaje diplomático por Asia, y el año ya por terminarse, Barack Obama ya se está preparando para firmar lo que muchos llaman “una de las decisiones políticas más importantes de su presidencia”. En Washington, ya se rumorea que posiblemente tan pronto como esta semana, el Presidente esté […]
President Obama Vows to Reform Immigration System Through Executive Action

During a press conference at the White House on Monday, President Obama vowed to fix what he called, a truly “broken immigration system” alone through executive action. The President’s decision to act alone was prompted by a year of Republican inaction on immigration reform, in which House Speaker John […]
Lawsuit Against President Obama Is Just Another Excuse for Republicans to Delay Immigration Reform

This week, the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, announced his plan to sue President Obama for his alleged abuse of executive orders and failure to faithfully execute the laws of our country. Give me a break! When Boehner was asked whether Republicans were suing President Obama over one […]
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