Wednesday, March 12, 2025

In a Year of Action, Obama Continues his Fight For Students

          In the last three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year university has more than tripled, while the income of a typical family remains stagnant. This week, President Obama announced a series of executive orders to ease the burden of student loan debt, which includes a presidential memorandum that […]

Thanks to Obama, Mother Earth Will Breathe Fresh Air

It’s time we stop talking about how climate change affects polar bears in Antarctica, and instead focus on how this phenomenon affects us here in the United States. This week, the EPA adopted new measures to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants. The new rules would achieve the following: –   Reduce power plant […]

Latino Children Suffer Higher Rates of Asthma-Related Hospitalizations Triggered by Pollution

          According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, Gina McCarthy, carbon pollution and other toxic chemicals have contributed to the growing asthma crisis in the country that now affects 1 in 10 Latino children and 3.6 million Latinos. The chemicals from carbon pollution continue to disproportionately affect Latino children who […]

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Broadband is Booming in America”

Let’s talk about good news. It’s called broadband and, as a June 2013 White House report makes clear, there’s a lot to celebrate. Just a few years ago, it was common to lament that America was falling behind Europe and others in terms of broadband access, availability and speed. Today, it’s clear that we’ve not […]

Bipartisan Immigration Bill is Revealed to Congress

The Senate group dubbed the “Gang of Eight” released the new bipartisan immigration bill earlier today after being delayed out of respect for the tragedy in Boston. “This bill is clearly a compromise, and no one will get everything they wanted, including me. But it is largely consistent with the principles that I have repeatedly […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Cuts will Turn Off Voters GOP is Courting”

Earlier this month, the House majority leader, Eric Cantor, rolled out to much fanfare a new “branding effort” for the Republican Party, focused on broadening its appeal and helping the middle class. It seemed hopeful at the time. Sadly, today it is laughable. We are days away from severe forced spending cuts that will do […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Advice: Romney, apologize for 47%; Obama, show up, speak up”

Maria Cardona’s advice for Mitt Romney: Up until the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney was the Frankenstein candidate. I don’t mean that derisively. I use it as a metaphor of what a caricature Mitt Romney had become in the eyes of many voters. Conservatives didn’t trust him to be true to their principles. Liberals depicted […]

Guest Blogger Series: Julie C. Rodriguez “Celebrating Independence Day by Welcoming New Citizens”

Members of the Obama Administration and other officials in locations important to American history across the country welcomed scores of newly naturalized citizens in commemoration of our nation’s independence in naturalization ceremonies across the country last week. President Obama himself hosted a special naturalization ceremony in the East Room of the White House. In remarks […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Focus groups show Bain image hurting Romney”

There has been much speculation about whether the ads that President Barack Obama’s campaign and its supporters have been running that are critical of Mitt Romney’s tenure at Bain Capital will be effective. There is also lots of critiquing of the reasons and effectiveness of first lady Michelle Obama’s appearances on talk shows and reality […]

New Latino vote poll shows support for Obama, original DREAM Act

New Latino vote poll shows support for Obama, original DREAM Act As both the Democrats and the Republicans continue to court the Latino vote, President Barack Obama continues to have a comfortable lead among Hispanic voters, according to a new national poll released Friday that gave him a 43-point margin. The Latino Decisions survey of […]