Thursday, March 13, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Jorge Madrid “Latinos Hit Hard by High Gas Prices”

Gas prices are reaching record highs for this month, increasing 67 cents since January – a 20 percent bump.  American families spent $5  million more on gasoline the week ending March 26 than they did the week ending January 6—even though average weekly gasoline purchases are among the lowest in 11 years. But while high […]

Latinos Are Optimistic Despite Tough Economic Times

Despite being hard hit by the recent recession, a recent poll reported that 65 percent of Latinos believe the next generation will be better off than they are. When it comes to median household wealth, the Fox News Latino poll showed that Latinos have seen the largest drop by any other group in the nation […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Why the environment is a Latino issue”

Amid all the jockeying of the primary debates, President Barack Obama’s 2013 budget was a breath of fresh air that underscored the priorities we should have as a nation. Sure, politicos may call it a campaign document, but even if you view it as only that, it is a much needed reminder of just what […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “A fight for the soul of the GOP”

Tuesday night’s tight contest for the top spot in the Iowa Republican caucuses reflects the ongoing tension that exists within the Republican Party. This struggle between the conservative religious voters — whose voice is strong and loud in Iowa and was represented by Rick Santorum — and the more moderate, mainstream voters, represented by Mitt […]

New Report Shows Hispanics Will Play Even Larger Role in Elections

A report by the Pew Hispanic Center analyzing Census data from the 2010 reapportionment reveals that Hispanic voters are nearly three times more prevalent in states that gained congressional seats and Electoral College votes than they are in states that lost seats. This positions Hispanic voters to continue to grow even more powerful as a […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: The State of the Union

As featured in Politico’s The Arena: Spectacular speech. The President faced his most important moment in his presidency last night and he did it with ease, decorum humor, self deprecation, while he stood firm on an agenda that puts America’s middle class families and small businesses first. He surpassed expectations by cutting through the clutter […]

Obama States “Time for Something New”

In his State of the Union speech on Wednesday evening, President Obama appealed to Congress to throw off “the numbing weight of our politics” and embrace bipartisanship. He vowed to make the creation of millions of new jobs his main priority for the coming year in response to the wave of public anger in the […]

Obama Appears on Univision's "Premio Lo Nuestro"

On Thursday evening, President Obama continued his media blitz appearing on Univision’s longest-running and most popular music awards show “Premio Lo Nuestro”. It was an effort to reach out to the Hispanic community urging them to let their voices be heard in this tough economic time. Obama said, “Buenas noches. I want to thank the […]