Monday, March 31, 2025

According to the International Organization for Migration dozens of children with non-Haitian passports were deported to Haiti

According to the International Organization for Migration, this week dozens of children with non-Haitian passports were sent to Haiti as part of the US government’s massive deportation operation. The U.S. deported a total of 1,424 people to Haiti, more than 170 of them are children, of which 41 hold foreign citizenship. Although their parents may […]

Biden administration proposes overhaul of asylum system to speed up claim approval

The department of Homeland Security and Justice announced that the Biden administration has proposed a federal regulation that would overhaul the asylum system to settle claims at a faster pace and help alleviate the immigration court backlog. The proposed rule would give asylum officers more authority by allowing them to hear and decide applications, cases […]

New budget packages include pathway to citizenship for millions of people

Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget resolution package directs lawmakers to chart a pathway to citizenship for millions of people while investing in border security. The bill includes about $107 billion for the Senate Judiciary Committee to spend, giving lawmaker a soft deadline of September 15th. The package doesn’t specify how many people or which groups would […]

18% of migrant families leaving Border Patrol custody tested positive for COVID-19

According to a document prepared to brief President Biden  more than 18% of migrant families and 20% of unaccompanied minors recently crossed the U.S. border tested positive for COVID-19 on leaving Border Patrol custody over the past 2-3 weeks. Multiple flights scheduled to deport migrants had more than 25% of passengers test positive before departure, […]

Biden states he will push for a pathway to citizenship for million in economic package

President Biden reiterated his support for a Democratic effort to include immigration policy in his multi-trillion anti-poverty package, assuring a group of lawmakers that he would stand by them in their push to see a pathway to citizenship for millions signed into law. Securing Biden’s vocal and support is a critical price of effort by […]

Biden to Prioritize Puerto Rico’s Recovery but Not Political Status

A newly revived White House Puerto Rico task force will focus on advancing and rebuilding the island after Hurricanes Maria and Irma, last year’s earthquakes, and the COVID-19 pandemic instead of joining the congressional debate over Puerto Rico’s political status. Gretchen Sierra-Zorita, the White House’s associate director for Puerto Rico and the territories stated, “We […]

Biden Plans Meeting with DACA Recipients to Highlight Immigration Priorities

President Biden plans to meet with six DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients today as his administration highlights that an immigration reform remains a legislative priority. Last month, Biden addressed Congress calling on lawmakers to “end our exhausting war over immigration.” While pushing his plan to extend citizenship to more than 11 million undocumented […]

Biden is undoing Trump’s immigration record but slower than tech would like

The inauguration of President Biden raised hopes in the tech industry after four years of restrictive immigration policies. Although the Biden administration ended a Trump- era ban on certain kinds of visas that are widely used in the tech industry, critics say that Biden’s overall record has been mixed as he slowly makes modest changes […]

Biden & Treasury Secretary Yellen; Latinos will Help with COVID Recovery

President Biden and U.S. Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, acknowledged the toll that the pandemic has taken on Latino businesses and workers and reassured them that they’ll receive help to bounce back and would be key in leading the latest economic recovery. Yesterday, during the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s (USHCC) Legislative Summit Biden stated, […]

More than Half of all Migrants at the U.S- Mexico Border are Expelled Under Health Order

According to preliminary data, the Biden Administration expelled more than half of the migrants arriving at the U.S.- Mexico border in recent weeks under a Trump-era health order that has been continued by the current administration. Out of 103,000 migrants encountered by Customs and Border Protection in just three weeks, more than 61,000 were expelled […]