Monday, March 31, 2025

Dems Say Republican Health Plan is a Death Sentence for U.S. Latinos

On Wednesday, Democratic senators blasted Republicans’ proposed replacement for Obamacare as a “death sentence” for more than 6 million U.S. Latinos who will lose health care coverage. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that under the Senate Republican legislation roughly 22 million Americans will lose their health insurance by 2026; Latinos represent 6 million of […]

Senate Ready To Vote On Puerto Rico’s Debt Bill

As the default date for Puerto Rico looms closer the Senate, expects to begin voting on the rescue package for the debt-stricken island. Puerto Rico is expected to default on its’ $2 billion debt payment. The bill has had bi-partisan opposition, but party leaders have endorsed it and promised to complete it before the July […]

Guest Blogger Series: Senator Robert Menendez on “From Tragedy to Opportunity in the Gulf of Mexico”

As featured in El Diario/La Prensa By Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) Like Americans everywhere, I am sickened and angered over the environmental and economic catastrophe unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico.  Watching the images and hearing the heartbreaking stories of devastation and despair sweeping through this vital yet fragile region of our country, I’m seized […]

Eased Travel Restrictions to Cuba

Congress has approved a spending bill that includes easing trade and travel restrictions against Cuba. The provisions are part of a $410 billion spending bill approved by the Senate on Tuesday and passed earlier by the House of Representatives. Later today, President Barack Obama is expected to sign the bill sign into law. The measure […]