Monday, March 31, 2025

In audio clip children at the border can be heard desperately crying for their parents

“I don’t want them to stop my father,” a child whispers in Spanish. “I don’t want them to deport him.” And so begins an excruciating audio clip of children howling for their parents after being separated from them at the US-Mexico border. The audio which was published Monday by the investigative nonprofit ProPublica adds a […]

Trump wants to militarize the Mexican Border

The White House said Tuesday night that President Trump planned to deploy the National Guard to the southern border to confront what it called a growing threat of illegal immigrants, drugs and crime from Central America. “We have very bad laws for our border, and we are going to be doing some things — I’ve […]

Biden Adds Guatemala to his Itinerary to Discuss Influx of Migrant Children

Vice President Biden will meet with Central American leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras on Friday to consider options to deal with the surge of migrant children crossing the U.S. border. Over 47,000 children have reached the border between October and May. A senior administration official described “the lack of perception of what they […]

‘Dream 9’ Tactics Take Debate Beyond Halls of Congress

By Valeria Fernández,  New America Media From inside the tiny rectangular windows at the Eloy Detention Center, the Dreamers arrested in last week’s protest could see the long white banner outside that spelled their names in red letters: “Maria, Claudia and Adriana.” Dozens of people have been demonstrating outside the detention center in support of the […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “The Administration’s Border Strategy Is Working”

As immigration reform moves to the Senate floor, Senator Marco Rubio has raised new questions about whether the border security strategy in the current Senate bill can be effectively executed by the Obama and future administrations. The experience of the past several years indicates that DHS can, in fact, despite rancorous politics, manage the complex border […]

President Obama to Address Immigration Plans

Today, President Obama will unveil his plan that will address the issue of immigration, which will include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and improvements in the legal immigration system and border security. The President will only highlight the immigration proposals in a speech in Las Vegas, but will not yet introduce the new […]

Obama Certain Immigration Reform Will Get Settled Soon

In a press conference held Wednesday afternoon, President Obama said it was time to “seize the moment” on immigration reform and that he is “very confident we can get immigration reform done.” President Obama said that in order to have reform, he would need a bipartisan agreement with securing borders, making sure companies hire legal […]

Guest Blogger: Robert Valencia “The War Within: How The U.S. War on Drugs Casts a Shadow over Communities of Color”

When Dr. Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Drug Policy Alliance, took the stage at the San Francisco Freedom Forum on September 28, he shared a staggering figure about a country that leads the world in incarceration rates, with 743 people per 100,000 inhabitants—a rate much higher than China, Russia, or Rwanda—and despite the fact that […]

How Music Helps Shape Latino Identity

Jorge Andrés Herrera, an adjunct professor at California State University – Fullerton, says that music plays an important role in shaping Latino identity, and can transform and affect Latino culture. Herrera, who teaches Chicano Studies courses and is a Ph.D. candidate at UCLA, studies ethnomusicology, the study of how music influences and affects culture, and […]

Latino Courtship Poses Challenge for Gingrich

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is gearing up to announce  a presidential exploratory committee for the 2012 GOP primary election process.  But the Republican faces the challenge of courting the very voters his party has alienated with several anti-immigrant measures that the GOP supports around the country. Though Gingrich has frequently stressed the need for […]