Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Comentarios From Maria: Why voters won’t fall for Rubio

Marco Rubio has officially waded into the waters of the 2016 Republican nomination for the presidency. The senator has the gift of oratory and a compelling family story that he tells so well. He seems to embody the quintessential American Dream and it is clear he hopes his story will speak to many Americans, who […]

Comentarios from Maria: Republican Budget Would Be Disastrous for the Community and the Country

Last week, Republicans in the House and Senate passed a federal budget that tramples on workers and the middle class, and damages aspirations for a better future for their children. The Republican Party and its extremist philosophy seem to forget that it serves a democracy and not just its conservative base and the most privileged […]

Obama’s List to Congress: Budget, Immigration, and a Farm Bill

            After signing a bipartisan deal to reopen the government and avert a default, President Obama challenged Congress to overcome political division and focus its work on passing a budget, overhaul immigration, and approve a long delayed farm bill this year. The President said that these three priorities would help […]

Guest Blogger: Drew Brown “Budget Control”

As the countdown to the Presidential Election continues, there is plenty of finger-pointing, political ad content and rhetoric to sift through. One of the biggest areas of debate among the candidates across the board relates to the United States budget, our deficit and growing debt. With so much information out there, how do you know […]

Impact of Budget Cuts on Latinos

The budget deal made last Friday by Congressional leaders to cut $38 billion in spending for the last 6 months of this fiscal will severely impact Latinos and other disadvantaged communities. The deal proposes cutting more than half (52%) of the budget to education, labor and health programs that are heavily used by Latinos. Voto […]

Guest Blogger Series: Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis “At the Table”

I was “raised union.” My mother, who immigrated to the United States from Nicaragua, worked the 3 p.m. to midnight shift at a toy factory after the birth of my younger twin sisters. She was a member of the United Rubber Workers, which later merged with the Steelworkers Union. My father worked at a battery […]