Monday, March 31, 2025

Study: DACA and DAPA programs would mean higher wages, increase in GDP

The President’s contentious executive action immigration programs could lead to $103 billion more in available wages for qualified recipients and a $230 billion increase in our country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in ten years, according to a new study from the Center for American Progress (CAP). The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) and Deferred […]

Guest Bloggers: Marshall Fitz and Patrick Oakford “Yes, Delay on Passing Immigration Reform Does Cost Us $37 Million Per Day”

Over 17 months ago, the Senate passed S. 744, a comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform bill. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office conducted an analysis on the economic and fiscal impacts this bill would have on the United States if it were enacted. The CBO found that S.744 would lead to a 3.3 percent increase in GDP […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cardenas “Win-Win Situation: An All-In Nation of Racial Equality Fosters Economic Prosperity”

If you knew you could do the right thing and personally benefit from it, would you do it? I am willing to bet most of us would. Last week, the Center for American Progress and PolicyLink released a book, All-In Nation: An America That Works for All, which argues that if we reduced racial inequalities, we would […]

Guest Blogger: Vanessa Cardenas “Why Affirmative Action is Still Important to Latinos”

Latinos are one of the fastest growing groups in the US.  By 2043, they are expected to double in size, yet they lag significantly behind in educational attainment.  By 2018, 45 percent of jobs will require an associate’s degree or higher; however only 26 and 14 percent of U.S.-born Latinos and Latino immigrants have that […]

Latino Leaders Hold Press Call and Webinar to Discuss Latino Impact of 2012 Election

On Tuesday, March 5th, Latino Decisions along with national immigration, Latino and labor leaders will discuss the results of the 2012 election season and the impact Latinos had. This press call and webinar will also reveal the results of a nationwide poll of Latino voters that reports their current perception of the Democratic and Republican […]

Influential Latinos Brainstorm Innovative Ways to Tap Into Latino Political Power

With the presidential campaign behind, actress Eva Longoria, San Antonio businessman Henry Muñoz III, and attorney Andres W. Lopez are discussing innovative ways to build a political organization with the capability to help shape the future of Latinos in the United States. These three influential Latinos were the driving force behind the Futuro Fund which […]

Guest Blogger: Melissa Boteach “Tackling Latino Child Hunger Will Bring Prosperity to All”

Last night San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro made an impassioned argument that investing in opportunity today leads to prosperity for all tomorrow. Telling the story of his own journey from a struggling family to the mayor of a major U.S. city, he underscored that, “My family’s story isn’t special. What’s special is the America that […]

Potential Latino Voters Could Create New Swing States

A new study by the Center for American Progress found there are 12.1 million unregistered, but potentially eligible, Latino adults in the United States. Experts agree that these numbers are crucial in shaping the results of the 2012 Presidential election and that consistently red states could become swing states or turn blue. “If just a […]

Guest Blogger Series: Jorge Madrid “Latino Public Health Professionals To The White House: It’s Time To Limit Carbon Pollution!”

Earlier this month a group of 12 Latino doctors, nurses, and other public health professionals from across the country met in Washington, D.C. to deliver a clear message to the White House: Climate change and carbon pollution is a serious public health issue that affects the Latino community – and we want the EPA to […]

Guest Bloggers: Rachel Wilf & Jorge Madrid “New EPA Rules Help Communities of Color Breathe Easier – New Standards Will Reduce Health and Economic Costs”

On this Earth Day all Americans can celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to ensure everyone can breathe clean air. But this commitment particularly benefits communities of color. Currently, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are especially vulnerable to air pollution’s health effects. Within the last year, however, EPA instituted new mercury and air toxics standards […]