Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “Here We Go Again”

We’ve seen this movie before. Many of us at LATINO Magazine worked at HISPANIC, launched in 1988 during the so-called “Decade of the Hispanic.” It certainly wasn’t, and no one would make the same claim of the naughty ’90s and double-barreled ’00s. But here we go again… Latinos (not Hispanics!) were the decisive factor in […]

Rep. John Conyers: Do Not Use Term ‘Illegal Immigrants’

During the first House Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration reform on Tuesday, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) echoed what many immigrant rights advocates have been asking for years when he urged his colleagues to avoid using the term “illegal immigrants.” “I hope no one uses the term ‘illegal immigrants’ here today,” said Conyers, who is the […]

President Obama to Address Immigration Plans

Today, President Obama will unveil his plan that will address the issue of immigration, which will include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and improvements in the legal immigration system and border security. The President will only highlight the immigration proposals in a speech in Las Vegas, but will not yet introduce the new […]

Latino Leaders Unite To Pressure President Obama on Immigration Reform

Several representatives from major national Latino organizations have united to announce the start of a civic engagement campaign to pressure President Obama and Congress to pass immigration reform early next year. The Latino leaders, from organizations like the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), and the National […]

Obama Certain Immigration Reform Will Get Settled Soon

In a press conference held Wednesday afternoon, President Obama said it was time to “seize the moment” on immigration reform and that he is “very confident we can get immigration reform done.” President Obama said that in order to have reform, he would need a bipartisan agreement with securing borders, making sure companies hire legal […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “President Obama’s Deferred Action: A Fair Compromise on Immigration Enforcement”

President Barack Obama’s move to prioritize the deportation of criminal immigrants, while giving exemplary undocumented immigrants the ability to remain in the country through deferred action, is smart and fair enforcement policy. In the face of increasingly clogged deportation courts, constrained budgets and pressure to fix our broken immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security […]

Latinos Still Lag in Federal Employment Despite Citizenship

U.S. Hispanics may be seen as a pivotal force in the upcoming presidential election and marketing campaigns aimed at their collective economic strength, but it is still harder for a Galindo or a Lopez to land a job with the feds. And arguments that citizenship – or lack thereof – is what holds Hispanics back […]

Guest Blogger: Arturo Vargas “Reaching the Finish Line”

Imagine that you are standing on a track, about to run toward a distant finish line.  Suddenly, a wall appears between you and the finish line, and then another, and yet another after that. Over the course of the past decade, states have raced each other to construct more and higher walls in the way […]

Latino Students Protest Romney’s Visit to Arizona

While Republican president hopeful Mitt Romney visited the State of Arizona, a group of young Latinos protested his visit due to his stance on immigration reform and the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. As it stands, the legislation, which would create a path to citizenship for over two million undocumented immigrants […]

Obama Discusses Immigration Reform with Hispanic Lawmakers

President Barack Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus at the White House on Tuesday for the third time in the last several weeks to discuss pushing immigration reform in Congress. “He is committed and will be leaning into this issue in a very serious and very vigorous way. We are upping the intensity on […]