Monday, March 3, 2025

Guest Blogger: Hilda Solis “Climate Change Must Be A Priority In 2014”

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of family trips to the San Gabriel Mountains for hiking, picnicking and breathing fresh, clean air — a welcome escape from the smell of the Puente Hills Landfill, near our home. Those trips offered temporary respite, as well, for my father, who contracted lead poisoning after working in […]

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Usar Energía Verde es una Victoria para Empresas Latinas”

Un estudio de 2011 titulado Informe de Negocios Hispanos, proyectó que las empresas de propiedad latina experimentarían un crecimiento del 28 % en California y un crecimiento del 17 % en el condado de Los Ángeles entre 2007 y 2012 Mucho se ha especulado sobre el impacto del crecimiento del 43% de la población hispana […]

Guest Blogger: Hilda Solis “Nuestra mamá tierra”

Por Hilda Solís Sabemos que la contaminación global del carbono está causando que el clima cambie y este año alcanzó el mayor nivel de concentración en la historia humana Para mí y mi familia, no solo esta es una época de reflexión y celebración, también es una oportunidad para agradecer por todas nuestras bendiciones.  Aunque suele […]

Guest Blogger: Rep. Ben Ray Luján “Engaging Minorities in Our Nation’s Energy Future”

I recently had the honor of participating in a congressional forum highlighting the Minorities in Energy Initiative hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy. This initiative seeks to connect diverse stakeholders — businesses, communities, schools, and individuals — to address challenges and opportunities for minority engagement in the energy sector. The spirited discussion included many […]

Guest Blogger: Adrianna Quintero “Americans & Latino Americans to Tea Party: We Want our EPA”

Most, if not all of us, are applauding the fact that after a 16-day standoff, lawmakers were able to come to an agreement that puts the government back to work. While the devil may be in the details, and concessions were made on both sides, the importance of knowing that our country can meet its […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Saving Mama Tierra for Our Children”

The other day, my daughter Maya Luna reprimanded me because I almost left a light on as we were headed out of the house. She said “Mama, estas lastimando a Mama Tierra! (Mama, you are hurting Mama Earth!).” I couldn’t have been more proud. My son Sebastian, who is obsessed with sharks and marine life, […]

Guest Blogger: Rep. Raul M. Grijalva “Latinos are Ready to Lead on Climate Change”

This week the Environmental Protection Agency took a critical step to reduce carbon pollution, one of the biggest (and still growing) causes of climate change. The EPA’s rule limiting emissions from new coal plants is the first step in President Obama’s plan to tackle what has truly become a global crisis. I agree with him […]

New EPA Standards will Cut Carbon Pollution to Fight Climate Change

Last Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that they would push for regulations outlined by President Obama’s Climate Action Plan to “cut carbon pollution from new power plants in order to combat climate change and improve public health.” This proposal would limit power plant emissions of carbon dioxide, which is said to account for 40% of the greenhouse […]