Monday, March 31, 2025

Dems Say Republican Health Plan is a Death Sentence for U.S. Latinos

On Wednesday, Democratic senators blasted Republicans’ proposed replacement for Obamacare as a “death sentence” for more than 6 million U.S. Latinos who will lose health care coverage. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that under the Senate Republican legislation roughly 22 million Americans will lose their health insurance by 2026; Latinos represent 6 million of […]

Guest Bloggers: Marshall Fitz and Patrick Oakford “Yes, Delay on Passing Immigration Reform Does Cost Us $37 Million Per Day”

Over 17 months ago, the Senate passed S. 744, a comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform bill. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office conducted an analysis on the economic and fiscal impacts this bill would have on the United States if it were enacted. The CBO found that S.744 would lead to a 3.3 percent increase in GDP […]