Sunday, March 9, 2025

First Latina surgeon general urges people to wear masks and get COVID-19 vaccine

Dr. Antonia Novello, the first Latina  to serve as U.S. surgeon general, is spending her birthday administering COVID-19 vaccines at a health center in San Juan, Puerto Rico as well as urging more Latinos to get vaccinated and wear masks. She was surgeon general under President George H.W. Bush and now she divides her time […]

Latinos are twice more likely than Whites to want the COVID-19 Vaccine, but cites fear barriers

According to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation, unvaccinated Latinos are two times more likely than Whites to want the COVID-19 vaccine. However, Latinos surveyed raised several concerns including having to pay for the vaccination and having to provide information about one’s immigration status, showing that there needs to be more information that […]

Four Months into the Vaccine Rollout, Ethnicity & Racial Data Collection Continues to Lag

Despite the continued efforts of President Biden’s administration to vaccinate communities of color, the U.S. has made little progress in collecting COVID-19 vaccination data by race and ethnicity. As of last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had recorded race and ethnicity data for only half of the country’s vaccinations, a figure […]

Latino Community Clinics Battle Covid-19 Head On, Now They Want More Vaccines

Across the country, Latino clinics have fought the COVID-19 pandemic which has threatened to devastate their communities from the beginning. Early in the pandemic, these clinics were aware that they would have to find their own ways to inform their communities about the virus, treat them when they got sick, basically ensure that their communities […]

Latinos Face Fear & Language Obstacles when Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine

From elderly Cuban Americans in Florida to farmworkers in California, Latinos are facing obstacles to getting the covid-19 vaccine, creating risks for public health as the coronavirus mutates and spreads. Rigoberto Montesinos, a veteran of the Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, was worried about the side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine that he wasn’t […]

Latinos Navigating Obstacles to Access the Covid-19 Vaccine

Dr. Marina Del Rios, a doctor from Chicago, says that low vaccinations rates among Latinos is not just due to their hesitancy. She  states that in many cases it comes down to questions of logistics and access, “Most people are willing to get vaccinated, they have more questions related to ‘where can I get the […]

White Americans are getting Vaccinated at a Higher Rate than Black & Latino Americans

Black and Latinos are receiving the COVID-19 vaccine at lower rates than White Americans, a disparity that health advocates blame on the federal government and hospitals for not prioritizing equitable access. A CNN analysis of data from 14 states found vaccine coverage is twice as high among White Americans on average than compared to Black […]