Monday, March 31, 2025

Supreme Court Hits Tie Decision on Obama’s Immigration Policy

Yesterday the Supreme Court hit a tie decision on President Barack Obama’s immigration policy. The tie vote, on the United States v. Texas, No. 15-674 case, means the justices were unable to announce a ruling, so that leaves in place the lower court ruling against implementing the plan. In addition to shielding parents from deportation, […]

Hillary Only Candidate To Release Statement On DACA Anniversary

Yesterday, we celebrated the 4th anniversary of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which has helped thousands of un-documented immigrant children stay in the U.S. Unlike this Republican congress, which has gotten less work done than any other congress before it, President Barack Obama took action and signed an executive order which helped keep […]

Comentarios from Maria: The Immigrant Community Waits On The Supreme Court Decision

The world does not stop turning despite being in the midst of an election cycle, and this week, besides the very important primary elections in the state of New York, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of the United States against the State of Texas. This is the case that […]

House GOP Opposes Obama’s Immigration Actions At SCOTUS

The United States House of Representatives voted along party lines to oppose President Obama’s executive actions on immigration stating that the president overstepped his powers in creating deportation relief programs for millions of undocumented immigrants. A case on those actions is set to be heard by the Supreme Court next month. With a rare move […]

Guest Blogger: Congresista Ben Ray Luján: Donald Trump llegó a la Cámara de Representantes

Después de otra ronda de victorias en la primaria republicana de este martes por Donald Trump, hoy los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes harán todo lo posible para exceder a Trump y su retórica antiinmigrante. El presidente de la Cámara de Representantes Paul Ryan, quien tomó la presidencia prometiéndoles a sus colegas ultraconservadores o […]

LULAC Brings Leaders Together To Discuss Immigration

Hundreds of Hispanic leaders congregated in our nation’s capital yesterday at the LULAC National Legislative Conference. They came together to talk about many of the important issues that envelope the Hispanic community such as health care disparities, criminal justice reform, and most importantly, comprehensive immigration reform. From Donald Trump’s offensive, anti-immigrant rhetoric to much more […]

Comentarios from Maria: Executive Actions-An Important Victory

We know that members of the Republican Party have made every effort to block any action to relieve the situation of the undocumented community in this country. We must not forget that the people that Republicans want to continue to suffer under the current immigration laws are the same people who came to this country […]

Obtaining Driver’s Licenses Differs for DACA Recipients

President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program have provided undocumented immigrants with the necessary paperwork to obtain driver’s licenses in eligible states but, according to a new report from the Pew Charitable Trusts, obstacles remain as some states have challenged the executive actions and the DACA recipients’ hopes to legally drive in the […]

Comentarios from Maria: Our Community Will Not Forget

Last week, one of the most conservative federal appeals courts in the country decided to uphold the suspension of President Obama’s executive orders on immigration that would have brought relief to millions of undocumented immigrants, through the expansion of DACA and the introduction of the DAPA programs. As you might recall, in February a group […]

Texas courts deal Obama immigration plans another setback

A Texas appeals court on Tuesday denied the Obama administration’s request to proceed with the President’s highly politicized immigration programs, known by their acronyms DACA and DAPA. The refusal to lift the temporary injunction that put on hold Mr. Obama’s plans arose from a lawsuit that 26 states filed against the administration, challenging the constitutionality […]