Monday, March 3, 2025

What A Night For Hillary

Hillary Clinton won four of the five Democratic primaries last night and all but secured the Democratic nomination. Yesterday was the last big day of multiple contests before Democrats conclude their primary voting in June and it was a big night for Clinton. She won Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut and Delaware, and Sanders won in Rhode […]

Latinos Not At The Table

I hear it from Latinos all the time: One of the things they find galling about the mainstream media is when they turn on the television and four pundits are sitting at a table discussing Latinos or some issue that impacts Latinos—and there isn’t a single Latino present. The optics are terrible. Can you imagine […]

Undocumented Immigrant Makes History at DNC

Benita Veliz became the first-ever undocumented immigrant to speak at a national party convention Wednesday night when she introduced talk show host Cristina Saralegui at the Democratic National Convention. Veliz, a 27-year-old who came from Mexico to the United States as a child, spoke during the DNC about her story growing up as an American, […]