Sunday, January 19, 2025

Obama says Immigration Reform Difficult in State of the Union Address

President Barack Obama called on lawmakers to work together to pass comprehensive immigration reform in Tuesday’s State of the Union address, but acknowledged it would be a tough battle. “I know that debate will be difficult and take time, but tonight, let’s agree to make that effort,” Obama told the joint session of Congress last […]

Latino Battleground States Crucial for Electoral College Votes in 2012

The states of Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Florida went to President Barack Obama in 2008, and now with an added count of electoral votes as a result of reapportionment, these Latino battleground states stand to play a major role in whether the president will be re-elected in 2012, according to an analysis by Latino […]

Guest Blogger Series: Rep. Charles A. Gonzalez “Who are Republicans Listening to? Not Latinos”

As featured in the The Huffington Post: In the past two months two prominent Republican leaders hosted national conferences to address what many call the Republican’s Latino “problem.” Former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s group, The Americano, held its first Hispanic Conference in Washington DC in December and just this past week, former Governor Jeb Bush’s first […]

Obama’s Tucson Speech to Focus on Unity, House Resolution to Honor Victims and Heroes in Aftermath of Shootings

While President Obama prepares to address the nation tonight from Tucson during a memorial service for the victims of Saturday’s shootings, the House of Representatives plans to read a resolution on the House floor today honoring the victims and singling out a number of individuals for their heroic actions on that day. Obama will give […]

South Carolina Law Enforcement Officials Not Sold on Anti-immigrant Legislation

A Senate judiciary subcommittee in the South Carolina state legislature voted 3-1 on Thursday to advance an Arizona-style bill one step closer to becoming law, but law enforcement officials say the bill raises many concerns and leaves numerous questions unanswered. The full judiciary committee is expected to take action on the bill, which has been […]

The New Year and New Congress Heralds New Faces of Elected Hispanics

The 112th Congress of the United States gets sworn into office today, and amongst its ranks are a number of newly elected Hispanics – all Republicans. Of the ninety new members, six are Latinos, including one each from the states of Washington and Idaho. Marco Rubio becomes only the second Latino currently serving in the […]

Republican Presidential Hopefuls to Skip Hispanic Forum

A gathering of the big names in national conservative politics early next year was to provide a forum for 2012 hopefuls to address the largest minority group in the country–Hispanics.  However, fresh off of leading the way for the defeat of immigration reform in Congress, most Republicans are declining the opportunity. The Hispanic Leadership Network […]

Census Data Reveals Southwestern States with Large Hispanic Populations Saw the Most Growth

The first set of data from the 2010 Census released yesterday showed that states in the Southwest, home to the majority of Hispanics in the country, experienced some of the highest population growth and gained congressional seats. The total population in the US as of April 1, 2010, is 308,745,538.  The rate of growth in […]

Obama Meets with Hispanic Lawmakers to Discuss Outlook on Immigration

Congressional Hispanic Caucus members met with President Obama yesterday to discuss the prospects of immigration legislation in the future, which the parties present agreed are slim to nil in the next couple of years. “The reality is, we’re no longer on the House side in charge of the agenda,” said Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (D- Texas), […]

Guest Blogger Series: Matt Barreto “Senators Who Opposed DREAM Act May Face Latino Roadblocks in 2012”

Yesterday the U.S. Senate failed to invoke cloture on the DREAM Act (HR 5281), ending the chance for any legislative accomplishments on the issue of immigration. While much of the last two years was spent addressing the issues of health care reform, and the economy, to Latino voters a third issue loomed as being equally […]