Monday, March 31, 2025

HITN Early Learning Collaborative Provide New Tablet-Based Application for Preschoolers

  The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) announced their new tablet-based Pocoyo PlaySets project yesterday that helps engage young children develop their English, reading and math skills. Yesterday’s announcement included a panel session on child development, tying into the launch of the Pocoyo PlaySets, whose mission is to “provide preschoolers […]

HITN Collaborative Launches Pocoyo® Playset™ Digital Education Tool to Boost School Readiness for Spanish-Speaking Preschoolers

The Hispanic Information and Telecommunications Network (HITN) Early Learning Collaborative (ELC) unveiled today its mobile application for Spanish-Speaking preschoolers at Washington D.C.’s Newseum on Wednesday.  The Pocoyo® PlaySet™ application, which is funded by a grant from the Department of Education’s Office of Innovation and Improvement, features Pocoyo, the main character in the popular animated television […]

Latino High School Students Graduate At A Higher Rate Than Prior Years

According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Education, Latino high school students graduated at a rate of 71% in 2010, a jump from 61% in 2006. The report also details the rate of high school graduates according to other nationalities: Asian students graduate at the highest rate at 93%; white students graduate at a rate of […]

Latino Students in Alabama Miss School as Immigration Law Enacted

Hundreds of Hispanic students stayed home from school on the first day that Alabama officials began to enforce the “toughest” immigration law in the nation, including checking students’ immigration status, last week. Thursday marked the first day that the law was enforced after a federal judge ruled parts of the law could move forward, including […]