Saturday, February 22, 2025

Immigrants Facing Deportation in NYC to be Provided with Lawyer

Marking the first time a jurisdiction has voted to provide attorneys to immigrants who cannot afford one, New York City recently approved $4.9 million dollars to fund the New York Immigrant Family Unity Project (NYIFUP). The program received only $500,000 in funding last year, but has grown to accommodate the numerous immigrants who still cannot […]

Guest Blogger: Kica Matos “A Life On Hold”

Barring a miracle, Josemaria Islas will be deported next month, sent back to a country that he left eight years ago. After that he will become a statistic, one of over a million people that the Obama Administration has arrested, incarcerated and ejected from the US. Last year alone, a record 409,849 immigrants were deported, […]

U.S. Judge Suspends Deportation of Argentine Gay Spouse

A New York judge suspended the deportation of the foreign-born same-sex partner of an American citizen last week, granting them time to petition for federal recognition of their marriage. After government attorneys agreed that Argentine-bore Monica Alcota’s marriage to Cristina Ojeda, a U.S. citizen, should allow her to remain in the country, Judge Terry A. […]

Announcement of New ICE Audit Center Expected Later Today from Obama Administration

On Thursday, the Obama administration is set to announce the formation of the Employment Compliance Inspection Center, an audit office designed to supervise I-9 employee files and ensure workers are in the country legally. In an interview conducted by the Wall Street Journal, John Morton, chief of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE), […]

Marine Pleads to Immigration Officials to Halt Father’s Deportation

A military service member expecting to be deployed to Afghanistan in 2011 is asking immigration authorities not to deport his father. Lance Cpl. Aspar Andres, 21, a marine based in Hawaii, returned to his native Kentucky on leave to spend time with his family only to find out his father had been detained by U.S. […]

Missouri Court to Rule on Rights of Deported Mother

This week, the Missouri Supreme Court is hearing arguments on a custody battle between a Guatemalan immigrant mother who is facing deportation and an American family who adopted her son through a private arrangement. In the spring of 2007, Encarnacion Romero was arrested in a raid at a Missouri poultry plant.  She was arrested and […]

Deportation Fears Prompt Immigrants to Prepare Wills for Families

As the immigration issue has heated up across the country, undocumented immigrants have begun turning to lawyers to help them prepare the necessary documents to help their families should they be separated. The legal documents will help determine what will happen to families and belongings should one of the providers be deported. “There’s a culture […]

Top Central American Leaders Urge Biden to Slow Deportations from U.S.

Regional leaders in Central America are calling on President Obama to slow the rate of deportations of undocumented workers from the United States. Vice President Joe Biden, who visited Chile and Costa Rica the past two days, met with leaders and said the current economic crisis will delay an “immediate response” to the issue. “It’s difficult […]