Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Latinos Vote For Trump?

Donald Trump won the Nevada caucus with more than 20 percentage points, but that’s not the most surprising part of his victory last night, he also won Latinos by a huge margin. Trump claimed 45 percent of the Latino vote in Tuesday’s caucus, according to an entrance poll conducted by Fox News. The Frontrunner was […]

Ted Cruz Wants To Deport All 12 Million Undocumented Immigrants

Heading into the Nevada Republican caucus, the most diverse presidential contest this year, Ted Cruz has vowed to use federal immigration officers to round-up and deport all 12 million undocumented immigration in the U.S. “Yes, we should deport them,” Cruz told Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly. “We should build a wall, we should triple the Border […]

Cruz Falls, Trump Steals The Show Before Iowa Votes

Donald Trump may yet have won Thursday night’s GOP debate despite skipping the event altogether. With Trump absent from the debate stage, the most scathing attacks were levied at Texas Senator Ted Cruz, polling 7 points behind the businessman, who suffered a weak debate performance with just days before the Iowa Caucuses playing right into […]

Voter ID Laws Add More Fuel to Immigration Debate

According to a recent Fox News poll, 70% of Americans favor voter ID laws, which is criticized by minority groups as a tool for intimidation. Voter ID laws, which vary by state, require any voter to provide proof of citizenship and legal residence. Some minority groups are critical of this type of legislation, noting that […]

Fox News Site Targets Latinos

 This week, without fanfare, Fox News launched a bilingual version of their news site called FoxNewsLatino.com aimed at the English-speaking Latino audience.  Just ahead of the mid-term elections, the site is expected to cover politics along with a wide range of Hispanic-related topics.  First day stories included coverage of the trapped Chilean miners and a […]

Growing Hispanic Market Prompts Targeted Advertising Dollars

According to the Hispanic Pew Center, the U.S. Latino population is one of the fastest growing in the nation—accounting for 15.4 percent of the population in 2008.  The media market is taking notice and spending more advertising dollars with Hispanic media outlets. The newest outlet to launch a website aimed at the Hispanic community is […]