Monday, March 31, 2025

Supreme Court Delivers Historic Victory for Marriage Equality

In a momentous 5-4 decision on Friday, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality and deemed the Constitution allows for same-sex couples to marry in all 50 states, and that states may no longer reserve the right to marry for heterosexual couples alone. While critics have decried that same-sex marriage undermines the social […]

Historic Support For Same-Sex Marriage Among Hispanics, Pew Finds

In a new survey conducted by Pew Research Center a majority of Hispanics now favor same-sex marriage. A total of 56% of Hispanics now approve of same-sex marriage while the same is true of 59% of whites. African-Americans on the other hand oppose same-sex marriage by 51%. Overall, the percentage of Americans now in favor […]

Comentarios from Maria: “GOP, take cues on U.S. mood from Obama”

Republicans are dealing with their demons. At the Republican National Committee meeting last week, they seemed to be taking a hard look at what they need to do to compete at the presidential level in the years to come. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said the GOP needs to stop being “the stupid party.” He is […]

Gay Rights and Immigration Advocacy Groups Challenge Defense of Marriage Act

A letter signed by more than 50 gay rights and immigration advocacy groups was sent to the White House on Monday asking President Obama to hold immigration cases involving Americans seeking legal residency visas for their same-sex partners until the Supreme Court issues a decision on gay marriage next year. These gay rights and immigrant […]

President Obama’s Gay Marriage Support Re-Invigorates Immigration Activism

President Barack Obama’s recent announcement supporting gay marriage has unveiled a growing alliance between young Latinos and gay activists. Since President Obama’s announcement supporting gay marriage last week, Latinos across the country have come forward attempting to dispel the idea that Latinos are less tolerant of homosexuality than the general public, while hoping to take […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “On gay marriage, Latinos agree with Obama”

President Obama is indeed a profile in courage. He has made history yet again with his announcement that he supports full marriage equality for gay and lesbian Americans. Bravo, Mr. President. Now comes all the warnings and predictions of what this will mean for the election in November. One of those dire warnings is that […]