Saturday, February 22, 2025

Are Hispanic Girls Hitting Puberty Earlier As A Result of Childhood Obesity?

By Hope Gillette, Saludify Hispanic girls are hitting puberty at an average age of 9.3 years, a younger time frame compared to non-Hispanic white girls and girls of Asian descent, according to data published in the journal Pediatrics. Only African American girls were found in  the research to have an earlier puberty onset–at approximately 8.8 years. The […]

Guest Blogger: Jody Brannon “Striking Percentage Ages 6 or Older Identify as Latino”

The desire to connect with America’s growing Hispanic and Latino audiences has marketing firms parsing data, looking to help clients make sense of shifting demographics.  With the growth in immigration and U.S.-born Hispanics and their families, the marketing firm Experian has produced an analysis concluding that 16 percent of people in the U.S. ages 6 or older […]