Saturday, February 22, 2025

Guest Blogger: Julie Chavez Rodriguez “Business Leaders, Law Enforcement Officers, Elected Officials and Others Agree: We Need Comprehensive Immigration Reform”

As President Obama made clear earlier today the bipartisan, commonsense immigration reform bill being considered by the Senate this week is the best chance we’ve had in years to fix our broken immigration system – in large part because of the diverse and unusual coalition of stakeholders that have come together to support it. That coalition has […]

Guest Blogger: Simon Rosenberg “The Administration’s Border Strategy Is Working”

As immigration reform moves to the Senate floor, Senator Marco Rubio has raised new questions about whether the border security strategy in the current Senate bill can be effectively executed by the Obama and future administrations. The experience of the past several years indicates that DHS can, in fact, despite rancorous politics, manage the complex border […]

Guest Blogger: Gus West “Internet Doesn’t Need More Rules”

The Obama administration will soon be looking for a new top telecommunications cop. Federal Communications Commission Chair Julius Genachowski recently announced that he’d soon be leaving his post. Some are calling for the next FCC chair to aggressively police the Internet and exert a tighter regulatory hold over the firms that have built its backbone. […]

Guest Blogger: Professor Ediberto Román and Bobby Joe Bracy “Words Do Matter in the Immigration Debate”

After decades of inaction, this week’s unveiling of the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” immigration proposal suggests that Congress may finally be prepared to reform our immigration system. It is of no surprise that this renewed vigor comes on the heels of a presidential election where an overwhelming majority of Hispanic voters rejected the Republican solution […]

Guest Blogger: Robert Valencia “Chilean Movie ‘No’ Teaches A Lesson to Progressive Latinos”

Chilean Movie “No” is the only Latin American film vying for an Academy Award in the Best Foreign Film category this year. Starring Gaél García Bernal, “No” recounts a story of actual events behind two opposite advertising campaigns during the 1988 plebiscite, which requested the Chilean citizenry to vote on the continuation of the then-Augusto […]

Guest Blogger: Jody Brannon “Striking Percentage Ages 6 or Older Identify as Latino”

The desire to connect with America’s growing Hispanic and Latino audiences has marketing firms parsing data, looking to help clients make sense of shifting demographics.  With the growth in immigration and U.S.-born Hispanics and their families, the marketing firm Experian has produced an analysis concluding that 16 percent of people in the U.S. ages 6 or older […]

Guest Blogger Series: Albert Morales on “Reform Mexico First”

As featured in  The Hill: During the next several months, pro- and anti-immigration reform advocates will return for a battle royale over the status of millions of undocumented immigrants. We will hear a common theme that comprehensive immigration reform is the single most important issue facing the Hispanic community. Much like the rhetoric of death […]

Lázaro Cárdenas Batel “Linking Migration and Development”

Migrations are an essential part of world history. No existing nation could be explained without them. The search for better living conditions has been the historic drive behind migrations. With the exception of Africans who were forcefully taken from their homes and brought to America as slaves, the people who came from other parts of […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis Represents United States in Rome

Since taking her position in the Obama Administration, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis has served as an instrumental force in helping millions of unemployed during this economic crisis. Her critical role in helping the labor market recuperate and consequentially the economy underscores the importance for all women and Hispanics in leadership roles. Most recently , […]