Monday, March 3, 2025

Senate Ready To Vote On Puerto Rico’s Debt Bill

As the default date for Puerto Rico looms closer the Senate, expects to begin voting on the rescue package for the debt-stricken island. Puerto Rico is expected to default on its’ $2 billion debt payment. The bill has had bi-partisan opposition, but party leaders have endorsed it and promised to complete it before the July […]

Senators Revisit Talks on Immigration

Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) have renewed their partnership and are giving immigration reform another try; though this time they are playing their cards differently. Instead of directing their efforts on members of Congress who have long supported a bipartisan immigration bill, they are setting their gaze on a combination of both […]

Mid-Term Election Results and the Latino Vote

Tuesday night’s results definitely told a tale that involved the Hispanic vote.  On Tuesday, we laid out what were going to be the likely elections most influenced by Latino voters across the country.  Countless predictions came true about a Republican wave sweeping Congress while Democrats managed to hold on to control of Senate.  Nevada “Did […]

DREAM Act Up for Vote in Senate

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced Tuesday that he will add the Dream Act as an amendment to a defense bill to be voted on by the Senate next week. The DREAM Act would allow young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. before age 16, and have been here for at least five years, […]