Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Young Latino Students Break Barriers for Higher Education

Written By: Cristian Pineda As the middle of summer approaches, recent high school graduates are looking into purchasing materials to prepare them for their first year of college. As statistics have shown, Latino graduates are up to par with their peers in preparation for attending colleges and universities as the number of enrolled students have […]

Undocumented College Students to Pay Lower In-State Tuition in Colorado

Colorado passed a bill on Friday allowing undocumented college students to pay less for in-state tuition at public universities. The state’s House of Representatives passed the measure, which is said to benefit around 500 students by its first year. “The governor and I support this bill because we want Colorado to have a strong economy,” […]

Comentarios from Maria: “House Steps Up with National STEM Competition”

House Steps Up with National STEM Competition Added Focus Can Help Address Disparities in Math and Science Former Astronaut Jose Hernandez makes a strong case for expanding opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and computer science fields in a recent op-ed saying “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize we are trailing […]

Latino High School Students Graduate At A Higher Rate Than Prior Years

According to a new report from the U.S. Department of Education, Latino high school students graduated at a rate of 71% in 2010, a jump from 61% in 2006. The report also details the rate of high school graduates according to other nationalities: Asian students graduate at the highest rate at 93%; white students graduate at a rate of […]

Focus on Increasing Latino Enrollment in Higher Education Necessary

Deborah Santiago, Co-Founder and Vice President for Policy Research at Excelencia in Education, is saying that there needs to be a greater focus to get more Latinos involved with higher education by emphasizing more need-based financial aid, increasing funds for Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), and increasing the capacity for Latino students. As reported by the Pew […]

Education Achievement Gaps Widen Among Latino Students

A paper released by Formar Foundation claims that many socio-economic issues, such as low poverty levels, lack of language skills, and other social barriers, have a negative effect on the quality of education among Latinos in the United States, widening the gap for educational achievement. The research reports that Latino students are less likely to be enrolled in […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lyzka DeLaCruz “The importance of education for young Latinos”

A wise Latino judge once said that a Latino lawyer is by definition a leader. The statistics reflect the sad truth of his statement. American Bar Association statistics show that in the year 2000, only 3.4 percent of attorneys were Hispanic. With one in three Latinos failing to graduate from high school, this number is […]

Kids with Undocumented Parents Less Likely to finish High School

              A new study from UC Irvine finds that children of legal immigrants are more likely to complete high school and spend an average of two more years in school than their peers whose parents are undocumented. According to a report in the LA Times, UCI Professor Frank Bean […]