Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Solis Formally Sworn in as Labor Secretary

This morning, Vice President Joe Biden swore in California Representative Hilda Solis as the next Secretary of Labor, one of three cabinet posts that had yet to be formally filled. Solis is the first Latina cabinet member in the Obama administration. Biden said, “When she held hearings on sweatshops, she was heard. When she fought […]

Solis Meets with Union Workers in Miami

U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis made her first public speech at an open meeting with labor unions on Monday at a church in Overtown, an inner-city community in Miami.  Solis told the crowd “there’s a new sheriff in town” as union members made pleas for jobs, health care, education and better protection for workers. With […]

Hilda Solis Becomes First Hispanic Woman to Serve in Obama's Cabinet

Today, following a vote in the Senate of 80-17, Hilda Solis was confirmed as Secretary of Labor. Solis, the first Latina to serve in Obama’s Cabinet, will lead the Department of Labor and is one of the strongest supporters of America’s workers and labor movement. Hispanic and Labor groups are applauding the Senate’s approval. “The […]

Afternoon Confirmation Expected for Solis

The Senate will hold a final confirmation vote today on Labor Secretary Designee Hilda Solis at 4:30 pm EST. This vote comes more than two months after she was nominated by President Obama. The vote was scheduled by lawmakers after Democrats were assured that Republicans would not filibuster the nomination. This morning, Senate Democratic and […]

Solis is One Step Closer

Unions, Women’s and Hispanic groups are breathing a sigh of relief as Hilda Solis is now one step closer to being confirmed as the Secretary of Labor. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee yesterday forwarded the California congresswoman’s nomination to the full Senate, which is expected to vote before leaving town for the […]