Monday, January 20, 2025

Californians Support Immigrants and Oppose Deportation

A new poll found that about half of all likely voters in California said immigrants are a benefit to the state and overall hold a positive view of them. In the Los Angeles Times/USC poll 59% of respondents also said that undocumented immigrants who have held a job for two years in the U.S. should […]

Guest Blogger Series: Maria Cardona and Alicia Menendez “To Vote is Power”

As featured in The Hill: This year, Latino voters like many voters, are angry and anxious.  But they aren’t stupid.  As has been reported widely, a conservative third-party group called “Latinos for Reform,” recently released an ad in which the narrator says: “Don’t vote this November. This is the only way to send [Democrats] a […]

Study Suggests Link between Fatalistic Attitude and Low Rate of Cancer Screenings among Hispanic Women

A new study suggests that the low rate of cancer screenings among Hispanic women may be due to a fatalistic attitude among Latinas that cancer is not preventable and a diagnosis will almost surely lead to death. The researchers found that Hispanic women often forgo life-saving cancer screening services out of this belief, which they […]

Children of Undocumented Immigrants Target of Collaboration between State Legislators

A group of lawmakers from 14 states is coming to together to work on legislation that would deny the children of undocumented immigrants U.S. citizenship. The sponsor of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, Republican State Sen. Russell Pearce, is part of the group and says a formal announcement of the effort will be made Tuesday. “We’re taking […]

Educators in Arizona Sue State Board of Education over Ban on Mexican-American Studies

Eleven Tucson area educators have filed a lawsuit against the state board of education and superintendent this week arguing that a state ban against Mexican-American studies, set to take effect at the end of this year, is “anti-Hispanic.” The teachers are asking a federal judge for a stay on the new law because, they argue, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Mario Solis-Marich “Suppression of the Empire- Robert Deposada’s Adventure”

As featured in My Latino News: Robert Deposada has sold out his community. Deposada, a GOP operative from the failed Bush Presidency, crossed a critical line this week by developing and placing ads urging Latino voters to stay home and not vote during this important election cycle. The ads are not only despicable in purpose […]

Education of Hispanic Students Subject of President Obama’s Executive Order

The high school drop-out rate for Hispanic students is among the highest in the nation, but President Obama is aiming to turn this around by signing an executive order today at the White House. Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education, says the order, called the “White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics,” will focus […]

Kris Kobach Says he Will Continue Anti-immigration Legal Work

The author of Arizona’s anti-immigration law, which has been copied by numerous states across the country, says he will continue to push his anti-immigrant agenda, as he accused immigrants in Kansas of voter fraud. As previously reported by La Plaza, Kobach, a Republican candidate for secretary of state in Kansas, is a constitutional law professor […]

State Board of Regents in Georgia says Undocumented Students Can’t Enroll in Universities

Yesterday, the state board of regents in Georgia ruled that students who can’t prove they are in the country legally won’t be allowed to enroll at the University of Georgia and four other state colleges. The new policies were decried by immigration rights activists and civil rights advocates. “Clearly, we are very disappointed that the […]

Life Expectancy for Hispanics Longer than Whites or Blacks

A new report released Wednesday shows that Hispanics in the U.S. can expect to live longer than whites or blacks. Government researchers found that Hispanics will outlive whites by more than two years and blacks by more than seven.  The report is the first to take a look at the life expectancy of Hispanics in […]