Monday, January 20, 2025

Deportation Fears Prompt Immigrants to Prepare Wills for Families

As the immigration issue has heated up across the country, undocumented immigrants have begun turning to lawyers to help them prepare the necessary documents to help their families should they be separated. The legal documents will help determine what will happen to families and belongings should one of the providers be deported. “There’s a culture […]

Decades-old Document Helps 101-year-old Woman Gain Citizenship

An elderly Brownsville, Texas woman will take her oath of citizenship today at the age of 101 with the help of a piece of paper that is 69-years-old. Eulalia Garcia Maturey came to the United States just over a hundred years ago on a ferry boat from Matamoros, Mexico.  Border patrol agents and checkpoints were […]

Guest Blogger Series: Veronica Bayetti Flores “Gender, Health and Immigration Detention”

As a reproductive health organization, sometimes people are surprised to learn that the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health does immigrants’ rights work.  The truth is that immigration and reproductive justice are inextricably tied, and the health and struggles of immigrant detainees is an area that is particularly ripe for action.  Though we envision a […]

Anti-immigrant Proposal by North Carolina Republican Fails

Earlier this week, a scaled-back version of an anti-immigrant proposal by Bill James, a Republican on the Mecklenburg County Commission in North Carolina, which includes the largest metropolitan area in the state, was rejected by the county board. James’ original proposal asked that commissioners direct the Department of Social Services to “ignore state and federal […]

Lou Dobbs May Have Broken Own Rules and Hired Undocumented Workers

A yearlong investigation by The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs hired undocumented workers for years, even while taking a harsh stance on undocumented immigrants and employers alike on national television. At least five undocumented workers told reporter Isabel Macdonald that they were hired […]

Hispanic Taskforce Unveils Plan to Expand Broadband Access for Minorities

Yesterday, the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators’ (NHCSL) Broadband En Accion taskforce released its first “whitepaper,” which lays out a policy framework and recommendations for realizing full digital inclusion for Latino communities, in Washington D.C. At a press conference, the chair of the taskforce Senator Juan M. Pichardo (D-RI), said “By releasing this white […]

Groups Say Ad by Nevada GOP Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is Racist

An ad released by Sharron Angle, the Republican Senatorial candidate in Nevada, is being decried as racist and divisive by several groups. The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) said in a statement it is calling for Angle’s campaign to immediately pull the ad which takes aim at Senate Majority Leader Henry […]

Arizona Governor Calls Briefs by Countries Offensive

Gov. Jan Brewer said Tuesday that she finds the briefs filed by Mexico and 10 other Latin American nations opposing the state’s anti-immigrant law “offensive.” “I find it incredibly offensive that these foreign governments are using our court system to meddle in a domestic legal dispute and to oppose the rule of law,” Brewer said. […]

Latino Voters May Not Show Up at Polls Despite Immigration Issue

A new survey released yesterday by the Pew Hispanic Center found that only half of all registered Hispanic voters say they will cast their ballots on November 2. The survey, titled “Latinos and the 2010 Elections: Strong Support for Democrats; Weak Voter Motivation,” found that while Latinos support Democratic candidates over Republican candidates in local […]

Civil Rights Groups and Countries Want Voices Heard in Appeal over Arizona Law

Several civil rights groups along with Mexico and 10 other Latin American countries, are asking a federal appeals court to let them file friend-of-the-court briefs in an appeal of a ruling that put parts of Arizona’s anti-immigrant law on hold. Arizona Gov. Jane Brewer wants to have the ruling on some of the most controversial […]