Saturday, January 18, 2025

Urgent Action Needed: Mari Carmen Aponte’s Nomination Still Awaiting Confirmation

Democrats are expected to bring a vote to the Senate floor as early as Wednesday on the nomination of Mari Carmen Aponte as U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, and Senator Marco Rubio is feeling the pressure from leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to follow through on his pledge to rally Republican votes to finally […]

New Latino vote poll shows support for Obama, original DREAM Act

New Latino vote poll shows support for Obama, original DREAM Act As both the Democrats and the Republicans continue to court the Latino vote, President Barack Obama continues to have a comfortable lead among Hispanic voters, according to a new national poll released Friday that gave him a 43-point margin. The Latino Decisions survey of […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “How to take long holiday from high gas prices”

Memorial Day is here and millions of Americans will be hitting the road to see family and friends, take a breather away from home. And luckily, after months of sky-high gas prices at the pump, they will find lower gas prices. Let’s be grateful for this relief, even as we know prices can shoot back […]

New Latino Voices “The Latino Vote 2012” Video Conference Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The New Latino Movement (NLM), a volunteer-based network that connects Latinos through online and on-the-ground strategies, will officially launch its newest project, New Latino Voices, a video and social media commentary project meant to provide Latinos with a platform to express their voices, opinions and commentaries on local and national issues. Each month, New Latino […]

Guest Blogger: Jason Llorenz “Hispanics, Broadband and the Digital Textbook Revolution”

Today, one in three entrants to the U.S. workforce is Hispanic, and by 2025 Hispanics will be one of every two new American workers. And so, the future of America’s workforce will be increasingly Hispanic. But without significant change in college attainment rates, the United States will face a shortage of 23 million college-educated adults […]

Guest Blogger: Dr. Elena Rios “Telemedicine Critical for Latino Health”

As U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sebelius wrote in the April 12th Huffington Post piece Health Equity Can’t Wait, it is “a time to raise awareness about the well-documented health disparities that continue to affect racial and ethnic minorities.” One of the keys to reducing health disparities in the future is to improve access, […]

Study Finds Strict Gun Control Laws Appeal to Latinos

According to a study released by the Pew Research Center, Latinos are more likely to favor strict gun control laws over Whites and African Americans. The study found that only 29% of Latinos feel it is more important to protect gun ownership rightsthan it is to control the ownership of guns. This is different from […]

Guest Bloggers: Rachel Wilf & Jorge Madrid “New EPA Rules Help Communities of Color Breathe Easier – New Standards Will Reduce Health and Economic Costs”

On this Earth Day all Americans can celebrate the Environmental Protection Agency’s commitment to ensure everyone can breathe clean air. But this commitment particularly benefits communities of color. Currently, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are especially vulnerable to air pollution’s health effects. Within the last year, however, EPA instituted new mercury and air toxics standards […]

Guest Blogger Series: Nancy Keenan “‘Arrest Grandma’ Act Would Insert Government into Difficult Family Decisions”

We all know families that have experienced difficult situations. When a young woman faces an unintended pregnancy, she will have to make one of the most difficult and personal decisions of her life. Fortunately, the majority of young women do turn to their parents for support during these tough times. But what about young women […]

Alabama’s controversial immigration law has made its way to the UN

A coalition of union and civil rights groups have filed a complaint with the United Nations International Labor Organization alleging that Alabama’s harsh anti-immigrant law violates international norms. “By signing this bill into law, Brewer has just authorized violating the rights of millions of people living and working here,” said Alessandra Soler Meetze, Executive Director […]