Saturday, January 18, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Gus K. West “Guarding Latino Voting Rights – Rally for Fair Texas Re-Districting”

Across the country states have been addressing their re-districting needs in recent months, redrawing voting maps that will fairly reflect new Census statistics from the 2010 Census. The latest figures showed that the population in Texas grew by 4 million people, giving the state 4 new congressional seats. The plan drafted by the three-judge panel […]

Rick Santorum unlikely to win Latino Vote in 2012 despite solid Iowa Performance

Despite enjoying a sudden emergence and strong second-place finish in Tuesday’s Iowa Republican caucuses, experts believe Rick Santorum would be unable to secure the Latino vote in 2012. Although he has been careful to play up his Catholic, pro-family values and immigrant parents angle, his hard stance on illegal immigration is listed as the top […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “A fight for the soul of the GOP”

Tuesday night’s tight contest for the top spot in the Iowa Republican caucuses reflects the ongoing tension that exists within the Republican Party. This struggle between the conservative religious voters — whose voice is strong and loud in Iowa and was represented by Rick Santorum — and the more moderate, mainstream voters, represented by Mitt […]

Guest Blogger Series: Diana Campoamor “Imagining Stronger Latino Communities: Be HIP and Give.”

Latinos make up more than 50 million people in the U.S. today, and we’re growing by more than one million a year. Just counting Latinos in the U.S., we are the second largest Spanish-speaking country in the world and the 15th largest consumer economy. By 2025, we will no longer be in the minority: half of US workers […]

New Haven Mayor Seeks Voting Rights for Undocumented Immigrants

The mayor of New Haven, Conn., John DeStefano has pledged to pursue legal state action that would allow undocumented immigrants to vote in municipal elections. The 10-term Democratic mayor, who along with New Haven has an immigrant-friendly reputation, believes that this proposal has the capacity to create a more engaged community. “If you live here, […]

Latino Medical School Enrollment Rising

An exciting report this week notes that Latinos are increasingly applying to and attending medical schools in the U.S. and in significant numbers. Since 2004 applications by Latino students to U.S. medical schools increased almost 23%, representing a 6% rise from 2010 to 2011, the Association of American Medical Colleges reported. The numerical figure was from […]

Latinos to Benefit from President Obama’s New Rules for Home Healthcare Workers

Latino home health care workers could soon see fair wages as a result of new rules recently announced by President Obama requiring a minimum wage and overtime pay for workers in this industry. Latinos make up an estimated 12% of the nearly 2 million home health care workers who stand to benefit from these new […]

Feds Say Arpaio Discriminated Against Latinos

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona and Sheriff Joe Arpaio routinely discriminated against Latinos, including racial profiling during routine traffic stops and treating legal residents as criminals, the U.S. Department of Justice said Thursday. The findings are part of a 3 ½-year investigation that began in 2008 after numerous complaints alleged sheriff’s deputies were […]

Supreme Court Decision to Weigh In on Texas Redistricting Battle Will Impact Latino Voters

The Supreme Court’s decision late last week to halt the recently announced Texas election maps proposed by a three-judge panel in San Antonio is raising concerns over the impact it could have on the rights of Latino voters in the state. The action is the most recent in the redistricting battle in Texas that started […]

Majority of Americans Support Undocumented Immigrants Staying in U.S.

A new poll found that a substantial majority of Americans would prefer allowing some or all undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S. The United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection poll asked 1,008 adults what should be done with respect to the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Of the individuals polled, 39% said […]