Friday, February 21, 2025

Sole Latino Doctor in Congress, Raul Ruiz, is Unsettled by GOP Health Plan

Latinos make up 40 percent of uninsured Americans, a number that steadily dropped under the Affordable Care Act. Raul Ruiz, the only Latino doctor in Congress, is no stranger to long hours and laborious work; that same work ethic is now being put to the test, in the ongoing debate over the GOP health care […]

Financial Troubles For Puerto Rico Leads To Dramatic Migration

As the financial crisis continues in Puerto Rico, record breaking numbers of the island’s residents are leaving in order to find better opportunities in the continental United States. Puerto Rico has lost nine percent of its population since 2000. The U.S. Commonwealth’s population accelerated its decline dramatically since 2010, dropping to 3.5 million from 3.8 […]

Comentarios From Maria: Paul Ryan’s Immigration Reform Tantrum!!! 

As of last week we now have a new speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States. The new occupant of that position is no less than Representative Paul Ryan. Yes, the same Paul Ryan who was chosen as the vice presidential candidate by Republican Mitt Romney in 2012. The same Paul Ryan […]

Comentarios from Maria: Democrats Give Republicans Last Chance to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Last week we celebrated the one year anniversary of the introduction of the Immigration Reform bill in the Senate. In addition, the main sponsors of the HR15-immigration bill, introduced by Democrats in the House of Representatives in October of last year, announced a new strategy to demand action from the Republicans in the House of Representatives […]

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Broadband is Booming in America”

Let’s talk about good news. It’s called broadband and, as a June 2013 White House report makes clear, there’s a lot to celebrate. Just a few years ago, it was common to lament that America was falling behind Europe and others in terms of broadband access, availability and speed. Today, it’s clear that we’ve not […]

Obama Admits Immigration Reform Will Miss The August Deadline

          As House Republicans continue to draft a different approach to immigration reform, President Obama accepted that a complete immigration legislation repair will not be achieved by his original August deadline. “That was originally my hope and my goal,” Obama said. “But the House Republicans, I think still have to process […]

Immigration Bill Heads to the House for Approval

          After the immigration bill passed through the Senate yesterday, it advances to the House of Representatives for approval. “Today, the Senate did its job. It’s now up to the House to do the same,” President Obama said in a statement. At the heart of the Senate bill is the 13-year […]

Bipartisan House Group Announces a Deal on Immigration Legislation

        On Thursday a bipartisan group of House members declared a deal on immigration legislation. “We have an agreement in principle. We’re now going to work on finishing up the drafting of the bill,” said Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, a leader of the group. This announcement came after several months of meeting […]

Record Number of Latinos Sworn in to 113th Congress

A record number of Latinos were sworn in yesterday to the 113th Congress, with three U.S. Senators and 28 Latino House members making up the historic number. According to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO), the 113th Congress is “the largest class [of Latinos] in our nation’s history.” Nine of these […]

Congress Votes and Passes Bill to Prevent Fiscal Cliff

The House of Representatives voted Tuesday night to approve the Senate’s bill to avoid the fiscal cliff, and just in time before the new Congress is set to be sworn in on Thursday. Once Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnel of Kentucky met early Tuesday on a deal to prevent the […]