Monday, March 31, 2025

Obama’s List to Congress: Budget, Immigration, and a Farm Bill

            After signing a bipartisan deal to reopen the government and avert a default, President Obama challenged Congress to overcome political division and focus its work on passing a budget, overhaul immigration, and approve a long delayed farm bill this year. The President said that these three priorities would help […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Immigration Reform Must Be Priority”

The “leaders” we elect to represent us in Congress should have the ability to chew gum and walk at the same time. A recent article in suggested that due to the problems facing the country with regards to Syria and the national budget, immigration reform is dead- at least for the next two years.  I find […]

Comentarios from Maria: “La Reforma Migratoria tiene que ser prioridad”

Los “líderes” que elegimos para representarnos en el Congreso deben tener la habilidad de mascar chicle y caminar a la misma vez. En un reciente artículo de Polí se sugiere que, debido a los problemas que enfrenta el país con respecto a Siria y el presupuesto nacional, la reforma migratoria está muerta, por lo menos […]

Employers in Alabama face Labor Shortages, Threats and Boycotts for Defending Latino Workers

Since the harsh anti-immigrant law in Alabama went into effect last month, employers in the agriculture and restaurant industries have been dealing with the aftermath of labor shortages and even threats and boycotts for defending Latino workers. While farmers took the immediate hits following the law’s implementation, seeing an exodus of Latino laborers and watching […]

Colorado Introduces Arizona-Style Immigration Bill with Notable Differences

Colorado has become the latest state to take on the issue of immigration into its own hands. This week, Republican lawmakers in the state introduced an immigration enforcement measure mimicking the controversial SB 1070 in Arizona.  As previously reported in La Plaza, Colorado has recently stepped up its crackdown on illegal immigration by participating in […]

Report of a Crime Leads to Deportation

In December of last year, Abel Moreno and his girlfriend were pulled over by local law enforcement officer Marcus Jackson for a traffic violation.  When Jackson began to fondle Moreno’s girlfriend, Moreno called 911. Jackson then ordered Moreno to drop the phone, arrested the pair and charged them with resisting arrest. Now fired from the […]

Puerto Rican Man Threatened with Deportation “Back to Mexico”

Eduardo Caraballo, a resident of Chicago who was born in Puerto Rico, was taken into custody by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) late last week following an arrest over an alleged stolen car case that is still being investigated. After his mother posted bail for the car incident, Caraballo was told by immigration officials that […]

Mexican President to Visit U.S.

A little more than a year after they first met, President Obama and Mexican president Felipe Calderón will meet again, this time in Washington, to continue the dialogue on the complex issues facing the two nations. On Wednesday, the two leaders will participate in a joint press confrence in the Rose Garden.  Later that evening, […]

Number of Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. has dropped since 2007

A report released this week by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security finds that the overall number of illegal immigrants in the United States has dropped in the last two years.  The report, which indicates the illegal immigrant population shrank by 1 million, has spurred discussions about the causes and ways of dealing with undocumented […]