Sunday, February 23, 2025

Latino Leaders Hold Press Call and Webinar to Discuss Latino Impact of 2012 Election

On Tuesday, March 5th, Latino Decisions along with national immigration, Latino and labor leaders will discuss the results of the 2012 election season and the impact Latinos had. This press call and webinar will also reveal the results of a nationwide poll of Latino voters that reports their current perception of the Democratic and Republican […]

Arizona Governor Receives Backlash from Denying Licenses to Undocumented Youth

While Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is no stranger to controversy, her latest immigration-related decision is causing more backlash than praise. Brewer is known as having one of the toughest stances on immigration in the nation, making her a popular target of lawsuits from civil rights groups and the federal government. As recently as last week, […]

Needs of Same-Sex Couples Addressed in Comprehensive Immigration Reform

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) released yesterday its nine fundamental principles for comprehensive immigration reform, creating an inclusion for same-sex couples. In the document released on November 28, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus states that the second stepping stone in comprehensive immigration reform is protecting the sanctity of marriage. The reform references same-sex couples in the […]

President Obama’s Immigration Reform Stance Resonates Positively with Latinos

During a time of the year when presidential candidates are reaching out to different communities to secure their vote, President Obama has gained support from the Latino community by passing such orders like the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and by being a constant supporter of the DREAM Act. “[Latinos] know that he’s […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “President Obama’s Deferred Action: A Fair Compromise on Immigration Enforcement”

President Barack Obama’s move to prioritize the deportation of criminal immigrants, while giving exemplary undocumented immigrants the ability to remain in the country through deferred action, is smart and fair enforcement policy. In the face of increasingly clogged deportation courts, constrained budgets and pressure to fix our broken immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security […]

SB1070 Before Supreme Court Wednesday: What You Need To Know

Two years worth of posturing and protesting, testing and taunting, about immigration and states rights will come to a head this Wednesday when both sides of Arizona’s controversial SB1070 argue their case before the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Here’s what you need to know: the law passed by the Arizona legislature and signed […]

Why the Latino Vote Matters in Arizona

As the Arizona primary draws near, the four remaining GOP Presidential candidates gathered yesterday in Arizona for one final debate, where they were asked about the state’s tough crackdown on undocumented immigrants, a big issue for Latinos. In 2004, George W. Bush was only able to get 40% of the Latino vote, and a January […]

Latino Students Protest Romney’s Visit to Arizona

While Republican president hopeful Mitt Romney visited the State of Arizona, a group of young Latinos protested his visit due to his stance on immigration reform and the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. As it stands, the legislation, which would create a path to citizenship for over two million undocumented immigrants […]

Majority of Americans Support Undocumented Immigrants Staying in U.S.

A new poll found that a substantial majority of Americans would prefer allowing some or all undocumented immigrants to remain in the U.S. The United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection poll asked 1,008 adults what should be done with respect to the roughly 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. Of the individuals polled, 39% said […]

Alabama’s Tough Immigration Law, 36 Days Later

Thirty-six days after the implementation of Alabama’s HB 56, immigrants have fled jobs in record numbers, Latino children are still absent from school and crops of Alabama’s $5.5 billion-agricultural industry are rotting in the fields. Thousands of immigrants have left their jobs, which has left many small businesses understaffed and construction projects unfinished, including rebuilding […]