Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Arizona Governor Receives Backlash from Denying Licenses to Undocumented Youth

While Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is no stranger to controversy, her latest immigration-related decision is causing more backlash than praise. Brewer is known as having one of the toughest stances on immigration in the nation, making her a popular target of lawsuits from civil rights groups and the federal government. As recently as last week, […]

Arizona takes Battle over Anti-immigration Law to Supreme Court

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer appealed to the Supreme Court Wednesday to overturn the ruling that put a hold on key provisions of the state’s immigration law. The law, which requires state and local police officers to check immigration status during routine stops, has been the center of an on-going debate between the state and federal […]

Brewer Statement on SB 1070 One Year Later

Saturday marked the one year anniversary since Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed the controversial anti-immigrant law SB 1070 into law and placed the immigration debate front and center in American households. “One year after the signing of SB1070, I’m determined to fight for this legislation – all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary,” […]

Latino Intern Receives Standing Ovation from Arizona Lawmakers

A twenty-year old Congressional intern who is credited with helping save Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ life, was honored for his life-saving actions in Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, with a standing ovation from Arizona lawmakers led by Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday. “Daniel Hernandez, a University of Arizona student, showed no fear in the face of gunfire,” […]

Mid-Term Election Results and the Latino Vote

Tuesday night’s results definitely told a tale that involved the Hispanic vote.  On Tuesday, we laid out what were going to be the likely elections most influenced by Latino voters across the country.  Countless predictions came true about a Republican wave sweeping Congress while Democrats managed to hold on to control of Senate.  Nevada “Did […]

Appeals Court to Hear Brewer’s Appeal over Immigration Law

An appeals court in San Francisco will hear both sides of the debate over Arizona’s controversial anti-immigrant measure later today in deciding whether to uphold a federal judge’s ruling from July that blocked certain provisions of the law. In July, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton temporarily blocked some of the of the most controversial parts […]

Brewer Cancels Mexico Border Governors Conference

For nearly 30 years, the governors of the states that line both sides of the United States-Mexico border have gathered together annually to issue proclamations and pledges to work together and address concerns. This year the 28th annual conference coincides with Arizona Governor Jan Brewers’ rotation as chairwoman and host of this year’s conference. The […]

Arizona Governor Calls Immigrants ‘drug mules’

Even the top Republicans in her own state disagree with Gov. Jan Brewer’s comments that most undocumented workers are ‘drug mules.’ Speaking on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Senator John McCain says he does not believe that most workers crossing the border in Arizona are smuggling drugs.  He’s not the only official disputing the comments. The […]