Saturday, February 22, 2025

Comentarios From Maria: We Must Be Optimistic in the New Year

As we start the New Year, let’s take a moment to reflect on the past year’s politics and the hopes and frustrations of our community. Upon further reflection, realize that today, Hispanics are better off economically than we have been in over a decade. When President Obama took office, our economy was losing over 800,000 […]

Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show

Listen to Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show as she discusses the importance of Latina mothers in the upcoming 2012 presidential elections and the results of the Decision poll.

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The President’s Vision for Our Next Economy, Hispanics, and Broadband”

As Americans continue to struggle with high unemployment and underemployment at record levels, President Barack Obama has made building a stronger economy, a central theme in his re-election campaign. This should resonate with all American’s in these trying economic times. The country needs an economy built on American innovation, increased development of workers skills and […]

Poll Shows Florida Latina Moms Support President Obama, not Compelled by GOP

The results of a flash poll released this week by, impreMedia, and Latino Decisions, that reveals the issues most important to the country’s fastest growing demographic, shows that President Obama enjoys considerable support from Florida Latina Moms, who also find the GOP “less than compelling.” Conducted in partnership with Latino Decisions, a Washington DC […]