Monday, March 3, 2025

Martin O’Malley Campaign taps Jose Aristimuño as Director of Hispanic Media

The Martin O’Malley campaign announced yesterday that it has hired Jose Aristimuño, a Spanish-language commentator, political strategist and former associate at the Dewey Square Group’s Latinovations, as its director for Hispanic media. Aristimuño got his start in the O’Malley campaign as a volunteer, but his work-ethic, grit, and obvious talent caught the eye of staff […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuño “Semana decisiva para la reforma migratoria de Obama”

Con el regreso del Presidente Obama de su viaje diplomático por Asia, y el año ya por terminarse, Barack Obama ya se está preparando para firmar lo que muchos llaman “una de las decisiones políticas más importantes de su presidencia”. En Washington, ya se rumorea que posiblemente tan pronto como esta semana, el Presidente esté […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuño “Venezuela’s fight is far from over”

Ever since Venezuela’s National Youth Day on February 12th, students in the coutry of Venezuela have been protesting their frustrations with the country’s national government and their incapicity to deal with the country’s problems such as record high levels of insecurity, record inflation levels (estimated to be close to 56.2%), a corrupt legal system and […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In State of the Union, Obama is Cautious on Immigration Reform”

This week, President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address to fix our broken immigration system once and for all. And although the President made the call that Congress needed to act, many have been quick to criticize him for only dedicating a short portion of the speech to talk about immigration […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In 2014, Immigration Reform Must Be A Priority”

For the past year, people from across the country have come to see firsthand how dysfunctional Washington can come to be: Republicans forcing a government shutdown, failure to expand unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, and the their obsession with repealing Obamacare. But despite all of the partisanship that consumes Washington on a daily basis, […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Shooting After Shooting, Congress Does Nothing Towards Gun Control”

How many shootings must we endure before Congress acts on gun control? Just this year, tragedies such as the Navy Yard shooting in Washington D.C. and the recent scare at a New Jersey mall proved that the conversation of gun control in this country should continue. And if that wasn’t enough, in 2012, over four […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “Young Latinos Are Feeling the Positive Effects of the Affordable Care Act”

If you’ve ever shopped for health insurance, you know that the prices for adequate health care, whether for an individual or a family, are unreachable. In the past, insurance companies charged you an immense amount of money to get on a plan. And if you happened to have a pre-existing condition, they would either deny […]

Latinos Are Essential to Tomorrow’s Prosperity

Written By: Jose Aristimuno In the last couple of years we’ve seen the Latino market of buyers and sellers grow at an incredible rate. By 2050, Latinos will account for 30 percent of the nation’s population. And the fact is that if companies want to succeed in the economy of the future, Latinos simply cannot […]

Latinovations Member Featured on CNN en Español Discussing Rise of Student Interest Rates

Latinovations’s very own Jose Aristimuno was featured on CNN en Español yesterday to discuss how doubling student interest rates would be devastating for Latino students. Because nearly 67% of Latinos rely on financial aid to pay for college, the increase of interest on Subsidized Stafford loans from 3.4% to 6.8% will affect many Latino students […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “A Young Latino’s Dream Is Answered: What it Was Like to Meet the President of the United States”

I remember it vividly as if it was yesterday: Four years ago, sitting at home, in Coral Springs, Florida, watching the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama. That day, at 20-years-old, I dreamed of one day being involved in the political process and implementing positive change for Latinos all across the country. Fast forward, and […]