Saturday, February 22, 2025

Kansas Secretary of State Fights to Block Bill That Would Allow Undocumented Workers

Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State and author of some of the most controversial anti-immigrant laws across the country, is now fighting against a proposal in his state that would allow undocumented immigrants to work in hard-to-fill-jobs. The plan, put forward by business groups, calls for undocumented immigrants to be able to remain in the […]

Kansas Lawmaker Apologizes for Comments after pressure from Hispanic groups but still facing Calls to Step Down

A Republican lawmaker from Kansas apologized Tuesday for saying that undocumented immigrants should be shot like feral hogs during a committee meeting on Monday. “My statements yesterday were regrettable,” Rep. Virgil Peck wrote in a statement. “Please accept my apology.” Peck came under fire for his comments from numerous Hispanic civil rights groups from all […]

Kansas Republican says Undocumented Immigrants should be shot like Feral Hogs

A Republican state lawmaker from Kansas suggested yesterday during a meeting for controlling feral hogs that undocumented immigrants should be treated in the same fashion, shot dead from a helicopter. “It looks like to me if shooting these immigrating feral hogs works maybe we have found (a solution) to our illegal immigration problem,” Rep. Virgil […]

Kris Kobach Says he Will Continue Anti-immigration Legal Work

The author of Arizona’s anti-immigration law, which has been copied by numerous states across the country, says he will continue to push his anti-immigrant agenda, as he accused immigrants in Kansas of voter fraud. As previously reported by La Plaza, Kobach, a Republican candidate for secretary of state in Kansas, is a constitutional law professor […]

Kansas Republicans Add Their Support to SB 1070

Two Republican leaders in Kansas have filed a friend of the court brief in federal court supporting the state of Arizona’s anti-immigrant bill, SB 1070. Senate Majority Leader Derek Schmidt, R-Independence, and House Speaker Mike O’Neal, R-Hutchinson are siding with AZ Governor Jan Brewer, the defendant, in the federal government’s suit to stop implementation of […]