Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “DREAM Activists, Mobile Tech Key to AZ Primary Win”

It has already been a wild primary election season with several big upsets rocking the political establishment. Add a hotly contested Arizona Democratic primary to that list, where young upstart Ruben Gallego, ran a brutally efficient field operation on his way to a surprise election day victory. National Democrats have long struggled to turn out their core constituencies in off […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Telecommunications Reforms for Today’s Digital Economy”

We live in a time when we can access information pretty much anywhere, at any time, whenever we want. The rapid deployment of broadband networks have made available a plethora of consumer services and applications in the digital age. In two short decades consumer choice has expanded from limited offerings of voice and video from […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Unlocking The Power Of Broadband Throughout Our New America”

My brother, a young millennial, is devoted to his mobile device. He connects to social networks, videogames, and apps anywhere, anytime. He uses it to check sports scores, to buy movie tickets, and when it suits him, to ignore the rest of his family at the dinner table. My younger brother is representative of the […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “Website will be fixed, Obamacare already helping uninsured Latinos”

Like Charlie Brown and the football, critics keep kicking at Obamacare, missing badly and ending up with mud on their faces. Sadly they are at it again, this time talking about defunding a law that is overwhelmingly popular with Hispanics over a glitchy website. Healthcare.gov the web portal and latest phase in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) roll out is the […]

“Understanding The Immigration Reform Debate” Google Hangout Today

New Latino Movement and Latino Giant have joined together to coordinate the Latino Educational Google Hangout, titled “Understanding The Immigration Reform Debate,” today Wednesday, April 17th at 8:00pm EST. The Latino Educational Google Hangout series, the next installment of the of New Latino Voices video conferences that initiated in 2012, aims to provide Latinos with a […]

Guest Blogger: Kristian Ramos “President Obama’s Deferred Action: A Fair Compromise on Immigration Enforcement”

President Barack Obama’s move to prioritize the deportation of criminal immigrants, while giving exemplary undocumented immigrants the ability to remain in the country through deferred action, is smart and fair enforcement policy. In the face of increasingly clogged deportation courts, constrained budgets and pressure to fix our broken immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “Siri Says: A Wireless Traffic Jam Is Just Ahead”

Little known fact, in 2011 Hispanic auto buyers accounted for roughly 24% of the growth in new-vehicle sales. An even less known fact Hispanic’s are leading the smart phone revolution, Sixty percent of Hispanic households own at least one Internet enabled smart phone compared with 43 percent of general households.  In a case of synergistic […]

The revolution will be televised on your smartphone: Latinos leading the smartphone revolution

My tia received an I-Pad last Christmas which, of course, led to my abuela and 7 year old prima fighting over the toy. My abuela has never turned on a desktop computer and has a fuzzy understanding of what the internet actually is, but when she gets going on Fruit Ninja the expression of bliss […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “Could A Looming Spectrum Crunch Hurt Hispanic Mobile Media Usage?”

Hispanics are interacting with mobile media more then ever, but a looming “spectrum,” crunch — the exhaustion of radio waves necessary to provide voice, text and internet services to mobile phones and tablets — may derail the gains that this community has recently made. A new report from NDN highlights how society as a whole, […]

Guest Blogger Series: Kristian Ramos “The President’s Vision for Our Next Economy, Hispanics, and Broadband”

As Americans continue to struggle with high unemployment and underemployment at record levels, President Barack Obama has made building a stronger economy, a central theme in his re-election campaign. This should resonate with all American’s in these trying economic times. The country needs an economy built on American innovation, increased development of workers skills and […]