Sunday, February 23, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Veronica Bayetti Flores “Gender, Health and Immigration Detention”

As a reproductive health organization, sometimes people are surprised to learn that the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health does immigrants’ rights work.  The truth is that immigration and reproductive justice are inextricably tied, and the health and struggles of immigrant detainees is an area that is particularly ripe for action.  Though we envision a […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Beatriz Terrazas “Where I Come From–A Latino Family’s struggle with Alzheimer’s”

My friend asked the question during a conversation about my mother, who has Alzheimer’s: What about a nursing home? She asked because I was on my way to El Paso to relieve my sister for two weeks. My sister works fulltime but she is in charge of scheduling Mom’s care. She ferries Mom to doctor […]

Senate Confirms Latina Judicial Nominee

On Tuesday afternoon, Senators confirmed the judicial nomination of Marisa Demeo, a Latina and an openly gay candidate for the D.C. Superior Court. Republicans had been blocking her confirmation since she nomination to the bench by President Obama in March 2009. Demeo was one of a number of judicial appointees that has been stalled by […]

Wendy Bruget “A Latina’s Perspective on Copenhagen”

When the team at Latinovations asked me to reflect on my recent trip to Copenhagen, I wasn’t sure that my focus area of garbage would be of particular interest to their blog readers. Alongside the Cinderella of the United Nations Summit was its less publicized sister, the International Solid Waste Association’s Conference on Waste and […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Latinos to GOP Conservatives: Be careful!”

Prominent conservative leaders are crazed looking for ways to bring down President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court – Judge Sonia Sotomayor  – who is the most experienced and best prepared jurist in 100 years.  She also happens to be Latina.  Newt Gingrich and conservative pundit Rush Limbaugh have called her a racist.  Former […]

GUEST BLOGGER SERIES: Latinas Working Together to Support Latinas

By: Ingrid Duran, Grace Garcia & Catherine Pino Founding Executive Board Members of Poder PAC Latino elected officials currently comprise a little more than 5,400 of the total population of elected officials and of that, one-third of them are Latinas.  Of the one-third, most of the Latina elected officials are concentrated at the school board […]

Hilda Solis: A Star in the Making

As Featured in MSNBC by Carlos Watson, MSNBC anchor: History rarely remembers Cabinet members. The worst performers tend to get a little more shine, but even their names fade out over time. Ask political observers who will be written about decades from now (for better or worse), and they’re likely to say Hillary Clinton or […]

Hilda Solis Becomes First Hispanic Woman to Serve in Obama's Cabinet

Today, following a vote in the Senate of 80-17, Hilda Solis was confirmed as Secretary of Labor. Solis, the first Latina to serve in Obama’s Cabinet, will lead the Department of Labor and is one of the strongest supporters of America’s workers and labor movement. Hispanic and Labor groups are applauding the Senate’s approval. “The […]

Afternoon Confirmation Expected for Solis

The Senate will hold a final confirmation vote today on Labor Secretary Designee Hilda Solis at 4:30 pm EST. This vote comes more than two months after she was nominated by President Obama. The vote was scheduled by lawmakers after Democrats were assured that Republicans would not filibuster the nomination. This morning, Senate Democratic and […]