Tuesday, March 4, 2025

U.S Citizens Born to Undocumented Immigrants Sue for In-State Tuition at Florida Universities

The Southern Poverty Law Center has filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of U.S. born college students in Florida forced to pay out-of-state tuition because they were born to undocumented immigrants. In some cases, life-long residents of the state say they are being forced to pay more than double the in-state tuition rate, sometimes forcing […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “Why ‘occupy’? It’s personal”

I appeared on a couple of segments on CNN this week where the topic was the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. A question raised was whether this was political. The Republican/tea party spokesperson said yes, arguing that labor unions were behind it (in fact the labor unions did not join until this week). I said it […]

Guest Blogger Series: Lisa Pino “USDA Programs Can Help Latinos Overcome the Hunger and Obesity Paradox”

No one should go hungry in America, especially children. However, far too many Latino children and their families are experiencing hunger every day. At a time when so many are struggling to put food on the table, it is critical for Latino families to know about help that is available. In that spirit, the Department […]

Low Preschool Attendance Rate Hurting Latinos

Only slightly more than one-third of Latino children in the state of Illinois attend preschool, putting them behind in preparedness compared to their white and black counterparts, according to a new study. By the time they enter kindergarten, the average Illinois Latino child enters kindergarten five months behind whites and about three or four months […]