Sunday, February 23, 2025

Latinos Are Optimistic Despite Tough Economic Times

Despite being hard hit by the recent recession, a recent poll reported that 65 percent of Latinos believe the next generation will be better off than they are. When it comes to median household wealth, the Fox News Latino poll showed that Latinos have seen the largest drop by any other group in the nation […]

Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show

Listen to Maria Cardona on NPR’s Michael Eric Dyson Show as she discusses the importance of Latina mothers in the upcoming 2012 presidential elections and the results of the Decision poll.

Poll Shows Florida Latina Moms Support President Obama, not Compelled by GOP

The results of a flash poll released this week by, impreMedia, and Latino Decisions, that reveals the issues most important to the country’s fastest growing demographic, shows that President Obama enjoys considerable support from Florida Latina Moms, who also find the GOP “less than compelling.” Conducted in partnership with Latino Decisions, a Washington DC […]

Guest Blogger Series: Arturo Vargas “Latinos and Voting Rights: The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.”

“Give us the ballot”. Those were the words uttered by Martin Luther King Jr. in his first address on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on May 17, 1957. Years later, King’s legacy lives on, both through the lives of those he touched and the many changes he helped to institute in our nation’s history.  […]

Guest Blogger Series: Gus K. West “Guarding Latino Voting Rights – Rally for Fair Texas Re-Districting”

Across the country states have been addressing their re-districting needs in recent months, redrawing voting maps that will fairly reflect new Census statistics from the 2010 Census. The latest figures showed that the population in Texas grew by 4 million people, giving the state 4 new congressional seats. The plan drafted by the three-judge panel […]

Rick Santorum unlikely to win Latino Vote in 2012 despite solid Iowa Performance

Despite enjoying a sudden emergence and strong second-place finish in Tuesday’s Iowa Republican caucuses, experts believe Rick Santorum would be unable to secure the Latino vote in 2012. Although he has been careful to play up his Catholic, pro-family values and immigrant parents angle, his hard stance on illegal immigration is listed as the top […]

Comentarios from Maria Cardona: “A fight for the soul of the GOP”

Tuesday night’s tight contest for the top spot in the Iowa Republican caucuses reflects the ongoing tension that exists within the Republican Party. This struggle between the conservative religious voters — whose voice is strong and loud in Iowa and was represented by Rick Santorum — and the more moderate, mainstream voters, represented by Mitt […]

Obama Campaign Hires National Latino Vote Director

Adrian Saenz has been hired as National Latino Vote Director by the Obama campaign in an effort to recreate and expand the president’s performance with Latinos in 2012. A veteran operative, Saenz served as State Director in Texas and New Mexico during President Obama’s 2008 campaign. He is expected to travel around the U.S. to […]

Latino Vote Projected to Increase in 2012 Election

The number of Latino voters is projected to increase by 26 percent to a total of 12.2 million voters in 2012, according to a report by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Educational Fund. This translates into 8.7 percent of the country’s total voting population for the 2012 election. The NALEO report […]

Guest Blogger Series: Matt Barreto “Where Latino Votes Will Matter in 2012”

With the recent release of the national Census data pundits have been quick to point out the obvious: the Latino population is growing! As if data points from the annual Current Population Survey, and now American Community Survey did not already tell us this on a yearly basis, the official 2010 decennial census now confirms […]