Sunday, February 23, 2025

Guest Blogger Series: Mario Solis-Marich “Suppression of the Empire- Robert Deposada’s Adventure”

As featured in My Latino News: Robert Deposada has sold out his community. Deposada, a GOP operative from the failed Bush Presidency, crossed a critical line this week by developing and placing ads urging Latino voters to stay home and not vote during this important election cycle. The ads are not only despicable in purpose […]

Conservative Latino Group Tells Latino Voters to Stay Home on Election Day

A new conservative Latino group is trying to silence voters in the upcoming mid-term elections by telling Latinos not to vote. The Virginia-based organization, Latinos for Reform, is responsible for a Spanish –language ad currently running in Nevada whose message is, “Don’t vote.  Yes, you heard right, don’t vote.” Attacking President Obama and Democrats over […]

New NDN Spanish Ads in AZ use Brewer, Arpaio to Urge Latinos to Vote, New Ads in CO and NV Urge Latinos to Vote Early

A leading progressive think tank and advocacy organization, NDN, announced the launch of a campaign of radio ads yesterday in Colorado and Nevada urging Latino voters to cast their ballots in early voting and two new ads in an on-going campaign in Arizona that mention Gov. Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe Arpaio as reasons Latinos […]

Latino Voters May Not Show Up at Polls Despite Immigration Issue

A new survey released yesterday by the Pew Hispanic Center found that only half of all registered Hispanic voters say they will cast their ballots on November 2. The survey, titled “Latinos and the 2010 Elections: Strong Support for Democrats; Weak Voter Motivation,” found that while Latinos support Democratic candidates over Republican candidates in local […]

Despite Money Advantage and Outreach Efforts, Republicans Have Pushed Away CA Latinos Voters

In a year when Democratic candidates have been struggling in the usually reliable “blue state” of California, a new poll shows that despite attempts Latino voters may decide some of the closes races in the Democrats’ favor. A new LA Times/ University of Southern California poll found that despite efforts to court Latino voters, California […]

Harsh Immigration Stance Will Not Win Support of Latino Voters in Key States

The support of Latino voters in key states will depend on how a candidate tackles the top rated issue among Latinos, comprehensive immigration reform, in upcoming midterm elections. “Political analysts agree that how a candidate talks about immigration—or tries to avoid the subject—will go a long way in determining the level of Latino voter support […]

Immigration Key Issue for Latino Voters

For years, conventional wisdom held that as election time neared, the concerns of Latino voters would mirror those of others heading to the polls.  Education and economic concerns consistently ranked at the top, followed in recent years by healthcare, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and public safety, to name a few.  In poll after […]

Former Cheney Adviser Says GOP Will Lose Latino Vote

  A former domestic policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney says Republicans will alienate the Hispanic electorate in their quest to end birthright citizenship. “If the Republican Party embraces ending birthright citizenship, then it will be assured losing Latino and ethnic voters — and presidential elections for the foreseeable future,” said Cesar Conda. Faced […]