Monday, March 31, 2025

Latino Leaders Evaluate Trump’s First 100 Days

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA), a coalition of over 46 national Latino organizations, gathered on Wednesday to assess the Trump administration’s early impact on Latino issues. NHLA released its report, First 100 Days: Analysis of the Trump Administration’s early impact on Latino Priorities, and struggled to identify, even one area, where the administration has […]

GOP Senate Delays Latino Nominees for Court Posts

With the U.S. Senate closing in on its year-end recess, Latino judicial nominations are languishing thanks to Republican leaders’ inaction. Despite “judicial emergencies,” the Senate has failed to take a vote on several judicial nominations including that of Judge Luis Felipe Restrepo who was nominated by President Obama in November 2014 to the U.S. Court […]

Cancer is the Leading Cause of Death Among Latinos

The disproportionate rate at which cancer affects Latinos was the subject of a discussion at LULAC’s 85th Annual Convention, which recently formed a partnership with the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) in order to raise cancer awareness within the Latino Community. Elena Roman, Chief Operating Officer of the CTCA and a speaker at LULAC’s […]

Lack of Diversity Still a Major Concern in English- and Spanish-Language Media

Latinos actors continue to remain less visible in the mainstream media than their white counterparts, with Afro-Latino actors lagging behind substantially in Spanish-language media, according to Columbia University’s Media and Idea Lab. It is true that Latino actors rank among the most influential: Jennifer Lopez, Sofia Vergara, and Javier Bardem, just to name a few. […]

Today: Google + Hangout“ Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community”

Voces Verdes and the Environmental Protection Agency will be hosting a Google +  Hangout titled “Climate Change’s Impact on the Latino Community” today at 3:30 PM EST. The live discussion will feature EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy who will be joined by our own Maria Cardona, Dr. Tomas Morales from the Hispanic Association of Colleges and […]

Latino Lawmakers Act to Reverse a History of Anti-Immigrant Legislation

In California, a new generation of Latino lawmakers is intent on erasing anti-immigrant laws from the history books. Legislation like Proposition 187, which withheld services like healthcare and education from undocumented immigrants, is chief among these laws. The law has since been struck down as unconstitutional, after it passed with 59% voter approval in 1994. […]

Guest Blogger: Alfredo Estrada “Join Us at the NO MAS HAMBRE Summit on June 19!”

As I write this in Austin, I’m wondering what I’ll have for dinner…tacos or barbecue? It’s a tough choice, but nearly one third of Latinos are wondering if they’ll eat anything at all tonight. According to current figures from the USDA, 23.3% of Hispanic households in this country face food insecurity. For nearly one in […]

New Study on Immigrant “Generations” Cannot be Ignored by Republicans

First- and second-generation Latino immigrants are increasingly more likely to vote in elections than third-generation immigrants. Moreover, second-generation immigrants are the fastest-growing Latino demographic, according to the Center for American Progress’ study, underscoring the need for Republicans and Democrats alike to recognize this powerful emerging voting bloc. “Second-generation immigrants are the driving force behind the […]

The GOP “Latino Problem,” in One Snapshot

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco One picture, posted Thursday by John Hudak on Twitter, explains in a moment’s flash the Republican “Latino problem.” It has nothing to do with Latinos. Hudak is the editor of the Brookings Institution’s FixGov blog. While reporting on this year’s CPAC (the nation’s largest conservative political confab) he attended a panel on GOP outreach into minority […]