Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sobremesa – Sen. Leticia Van de Putte on tacos, politics, cultura and the state of Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco If you want to get to the truth of matters in the Latino community have a conversation over a meal, the traditional sobremesa that follows a feast. It’s where our gente relaxes and speaks frankly. We invited Texas State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte for a wide ranging conversation about old […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In State of the Union, Obama is Cautious on Immigration Reform”

This week, President Obama urged Congress in his State of the Union address to fix our broken immigration system once and for all. And although the President made the call that Congress needed to act, many have been quick to criticize him for only dedicating a short portion of the speech to talk about immigration […]

What is Net Neutrality? It’s a Big Deal for Latinos

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco Not a lot of attention has been given to the issue of Net Neutrality in Latino news circles. But it’s an important issue that took a decisive turn last week and it could affect Latinos and their increasing use of the internet. Here’s the short take: The FCC had a set of rules […]

Latinos Redefining the American Dream

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco There’s no question that the American Dream isn’t what it used to be – if it ever was what we were told. What’s held true throughout the history of the U. S. is that the elusive dream has been defined by our nation’s newcomers. The American Dream is by default an […]

Guest Blogger: Jose Aristimuno “In 2014, Immigration Reform Must Be A Priority”

For the past year, people from across the country have come to see firsthand how dysfunctional Washington can come to be: Republicans forcing a government shutdown, failure to expand unemployment benefits for millions of Americans, and the their obsession with repealing Obamacare. But despite all of the partisanship that consumes Washington on a daily basis, […]

Happy Holidays from Latinovations

We would like to thank you for all of your continuous support this year and wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!  We will return on January 2, 2014. Maria Cardona Dakar Lanzino Alma Molina Jose Aristimuno Denise Lopez Cristian Pineda Roberto Valdez Blanca Bejarano …and the entire Latinovations Team.

Guest Blogger: Javier Palomarez “Usar Energía Verde es una Victoria para Empresas Latinas”

Un estudio de 2011 titulado Informe de Negocios Hispanos, proyectó que las empresas de propiedad latina experimentarían un crecimiento del 28 % en California y un crecimiento del 17 % en el condado de Los Ángeles entre 2007 y 2012 Mucho se ha especulado sobre el impacto del crecimiento del 43% de la población hispana […]

Guest Blogger: Omar Duque “Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic & Job Creation Potential “

It’s no secret that Hispanics contribute significantly to the US economy, but a new report on Hispanic-owned businesses in Illinois shows Hispanic businesses face unique challenges, but have the potential to generate an additional $67 billion in revenues and create 200,000 jobs for Illinois residents. The Report, The State of Hispanic-Owned Businesses in Illinois: Untapped Economic […]

Guest Blogger: Rep. Ben Ray Luján “Engaging Minorities in Our Nation’s Energy Future”

I recently had the honor of participating in a congressional forum highlighting the Minorities in Energy Initiative hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy. This initiative seeks to connect diverse stakeholders — businesses, communities, schools, and individuals — to address challenges and opportunities for minority engagement in the energy sector. The spirited discussion included many […]

Are Hispanic Girls Hitting Puberty Earlier As A Result of Childhood Obesity?

By Hope Gillette, Saludify Hispanic girls are hitting puberty at an average age of 9.3 years, a younger time frame compared to non-Hispanic white girls and girls of Asian descent, according to data published in the journal Pediatrics. Only African American girls were found in  the research to have an earlier puberty onset–at approximately 8.8 years. The […]