Monday, March 31, 2025

Latinos Shy Away from Census, Growing Concern for 2020

Latino leaders are warning of a developing crisis in the 2020 census and demanding that the Census Bureau act aggressively to calm fears in immigrant populations about data misuse.

How Latinos Started Getting Counted in the Census and How that Could Change in 2020

In the 1970’s, Latino advocacy groups grew fed up with the U.S. Census Bureau, who had up until then only made a half-hearted attempt to quantify the number of Latinos and Hispanics living in the United States. Groups, including the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) and ASPIRA, complained that the census only […]

What You Need to Know About the Texas SB4 Immigration Enforcement Law

Texas passed a law known to many as a ban on “sanctuary” cities, but the law does far more than just that. While supporters of the law say it is designed to boost public safety by enforcing laws already in place, critics say the law puts immigrants and U.S. citizens in the cross hairs of […]

NHLA launches Latinos United for Immigration Reform Campaign

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) has launched a new campaign called Latinos United for Immigration Reform, which will encourage Latinos to unite their community together and support comprehensive immigration reform. “The Latinos United for Immigration Reform campaign is the largest effort of its kind to organize our community,” says Hector Sanchez, Chair of NHLA. […]

Comentarios from Maria: “Will Latino Voter Purges Continue? Only If We Let Them!”

As a Latina mother, there is nothing more important to me than inculcating in my children the importance of making sure their voices are heard—whether in the classroom, in sports, in student government, in their jobs, in local government, and of course, in our nation’s capital. In the past, it used to be that politicians, secretaries […]

Hispanics raise Concerns over Redistricting Maps at Hearings in California

Hispanic advocacy groups in California are urging Latino voters to attend public hearings and voice their concerns about proposed restricting maps unveiled earlier this month by a citizen panel appointed by the state. At a recent hearing, two dozen residents voiced their concern over the impact the proposed maps by the Citizens Redistricting Commission could […]

IL and TX Hispanic population demand more political influence

Illinois Republicans and Texas Democrats are preparing to file lawsuits under the Voting Rights Act that will increase their respective states’ Hispanic-majority districts. It is evident that Latinos are disproportionately represented in Congress with only 24 House members (17 Democrats and 7 Republicans), but with over 50.5 million counted in the 2010 Census, the Hispanic […]

Latino Group says Redistricting Plan in Illinois violates Election Laws

A new map of legislative boundaries in Illinois drawn up by legislators violates the rights of Latino voters, according to a Latino legal rights group. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, a non-profit that works to protect the legal rights of Latinos, says the plan denies Latino voters from Chicago’s South Side their […]

Hispanic Groups Call for Increased Representation

An analysis of data from the 2010 Census by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund supports what many experts have been saying since the Census Bureau released its first data late last year, Latinos should see increased representation as a result of reapportionment. On Tuesday, NALEO released its study […]

Hispanics and other Minorities Overwhelmingly Fueled Nation’s Population Growth

The first round of states to receive their census redistricting data last week shows that Hispanics and other minorities accounted for 85 percent of the population growth across the country in the last ten years. The data will have important implications as the states begin the process of redistricting.  New Jersey, Mississippi, Virginia and Louisiana […]